Anti vaxxers/ vaxxers
If You Care About Science, This Court Decision Should Horrify You. Vaccines save lives – millions of them, in fact.
If you disagree, then you can go in a specially designed box along with climate change deniers, astrologers, and flat-earthers which, when full, will be promptly launched into the sea. Right.
Spain Has First Case Of Diphtheria In 28 Years Thanks To Anti-Vaxxers. A six-year-old boy who had not been vaccinated is Spain’s first case of diphtheria in 28 years.
The young boy, from the Catalan city of Olot, is reportedly very ill and is being treated with antitoxin. The parents, who had chosen not to vaccinate their child, are “devastated” and have now had their younger daughter immunized as a result.
Behance. Dear parents, you are being lied to.
Note: The content of this article was written by Dr.
Jennifer Raff for her blog, Violent Metaphors. It is being rehosted here with permission. You can click on the above hyperlink to view the original and engage in the lively discussion in the comments section. In light of recent outbreaks of measles and other vaccine preventable illnesses, and the refusal of anti-vaccination advocates to acknowledge the problem, I thought it was past time for this post.
Vaccination Rates In Elite Los Angeles Schools Now Worse Than In Southern Sudan. Oh, rich people.
Do they ever stop doing zany things? Unfortunately, there’s a new fad among America’s most wealthy that isn’t quite as laughable. During recent years, the richest people in Los Angeles have not been vaccinating their children. Gary Baum of The Hollywood Reporter has investigated childhood illness and vaccination rates around Los Angeles County.
One map sums up the damage caused by the anti-vaccination movement. Vaccinations are one of the of most incredible aspects of modern medicine.
They can make previously lethal diseases disappear from society and save countless lives. There is, however, a chance that the vaccines work a little too well and our collective memory is too short to remember the devastating effects some of these diseases caused just a few short decades ago. Recently, for reasons that are not based on science or logic, many parents have outspokenly rejected vaccinating their children.
Anti Vaxxers Lose New York Court Battle. Three families in New York claimed that their right to free exercise of religion was violated when their unimmunized kids were barred from school because of the state’s vaccination practices.
Their case was brought before the Federal District Court in Brooklyn. They lost. According to New York state law, children must be vaccinated before attending school. There are exemptions: if immunization is detrimental to the child’s health or if the guardian holds “genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary.” Supporting documentation is required, and in the latter case, the school can decide to reject the request.