The sport was established in the United States in 1965 on Bainbridge Island near Seattle, Washington. The creators of pickleball aimed to design a new sport that would be fun, stimulating and that everyone could play. They started playing with table tennis paddles and a plastic ball. At first, they put the net at the height of a badminton net and played volley over the net. Over time they found that the ball bounced well on a solid ground surface, so the net was lowered and the rules evolved to become the sport we know today as a pickleball. Legend has it that Pickle (Gherkin) was the family dog and kept running behind the ball. http://blogs.rediff.com/nathalyhaydentennis/ The creators, looking for a name for their new game,
The basic rules of Pickleball
Win a game
Pickleball is played on 11 points. The first side scoring 11 points and leading by at least 2 points marks the victory. If both sides are tied at 10 points, then the game continues until one side wins by two points. Points are scored by the service only team and counted when there is an opponent's foul (do not turn the ball, hit the ball out of bounds, etc.).
The service
The ball is served up and down without bouncing off the ground. The arm must be moving in an upward arc and the racquet head must be lower than the wrist when it hits the ball. The ball must pass over the net without touching it and land in the adversary's service square located diagonally across the server. A server is entitled to only one service (no double mistakes as in tennis). The server continues to serve, alternating service squares, until the serving team loses a rally.
Special rules
Double Bond Rule: Following the service, each side must make at least one ground stroke before taking the ball on the fly (the ball is struck before it hits the ground). In other words, the player receiving the service can only return the ball after it has bounced. In addition, the serving team must let the returned ball bounce before returning it . After these two restrictions (double jump rule), the flights are allowed without restrictions.
No- Fly Zone (ZNV): A player can not volley a ball if he stands in the ZNV. The ZNV extends 2.13m on either side of the https://sites.google.com/view/callum-logan-blog/home net (see the terrain dimensions below). A foul will be declared if, during or after a volley, a player touches the unobstructed area or any line of the ZNV. A player may return a ball from within the unobstructed area if the ball has bounced first.
The official pickleball rules as prescribed by the International Pickleball Federation (IFP) are available on their web page (in English). The French version of these rules is on our site.