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Cryptocurrency License in Dubai – Dubai has become one of the best markets for cryptocurrency platforms in the world. The dramatic rise of cryptocurrency companies has completely altered the business all around the world. We Provide best consultation for crypto license in dubai

Cryptocurrency License in Dubai, Crypto Mining License UAE. Nowadays, cryptocurrency is in highlight for all good reasons. Crypto-currencies have entirely changed the world of transactions. It is not entirely clear who invented cryptocurrency, individual or group of people, although this name Satoshi Nakamoto came as the founder of Cryptocurrency in 2008. Cryptocurrency is based on blockchain and is digital and virtual. The primary purpose of cryptocurrency is to decentralize all ledger transactions. In 2009, crypto currency opened to all means; now, people can trade in crypto-currency. Crypto-currency’s first coin is Bitcoin (BTC), with a value of $0 in 2009, and in 2010, its value turned to $0.09. However, in 2011, its value boosted from $1 to $32 with transactions of 9.9 million bitcoins, which cost around $214 million.

Crypto piqued the interests of investors across the globe. Due to the Russian-Ukraine war, almost 50% to 80% of cryptocurrencies were affected. Drawbacks of Cryptocurrency Their drawbacks cannot be ignored Step 1.