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Workcover & TAC imaging service | Brighton Radiology, Melbourne | Brighton Radiology. Imaging services can be performed in relation to injuries/conditions of the spine, arms, legs and joints if you have a current claim and have a completed referral form from your treating health care practitioner – eg GP, medical specialist, chiropractor, physiotherapist, osteopath. You will need to provide us with: Referral Form from treating health care practitionerLetter of Approval from Workers Comp Insurer or TACClaim NumberDate of InjuryClaims Officer/Manager contact details.

Once eligibility for Workers Comp or TAC funded Imaging has been determined, Brighton Radiology can organise a suitable day/time for your scan. Eligible Workers Comp or TAC Imaging is billed directly to the Insurer, so there is no out-of-pocket fee. Our MRI, X-Ray & CT accredited Radiologist for Workers Comp or TAC-related imaging is Dr Kevin Shaw MBBS FRANZCR.