MITSloan Mgmt Review sur Twitter : "Not every company needs a strong #brand, exceptional talent or exclusive technology #HR. Competing With Ordinary Resources. This Generic Brand Video Is The Greatest Thing About The Absolute Worst In Advertising. It's just perfect.
Everything is in there. The rise and rise of Under Armour into a Super Brand. Did you know that Under Armour is now the number 2 sports apparel brand in America, overtaking Adidas?
This is despite the World Cup where Adidas are an official sponsor. They are now only behind Nike. But with 22 successive quarterly profit increases, surely it’s a matter of time before they overtake them too. Americans love an underdog and that’s where Under Armour began and is positioned against the much more conservative and corporate Nike, Adidas and Puma. Under Armour is a classic rags to riches story. The rise and rise of Under Armour into a Super Brand. This Generic Brand Video Is The Greatest Thing About The Absolute Worst In Advertising.
The rise and rise of Under Armour into a Super Brand. This Generic Brand Video Is The Greatest Thing About The Absolute Worst In Advertising. Over $1 Trillion Sold: Appreciation of Craftsmanship or Unrestrained Consumption? The global luxury industry sells over $1 trillion of handbags, shoes, cars, vacations, watches, suits, rings, bracelets and earrings a year, according to Bain & Co.
La Maison des Carrés: bienvenue dans le Musée Hermés 2.0. Cher(e)s Galaxynautes, L’heure est grave…non que dis-je…l’heure est festive!
Interpellés par tant de mystère, vous devez ainsi vous demander « Mais pourquoi donc? ». Pas de panique, vous allez tout savoir! Et oui, depuis le 17 septembre 2014 la maison Hermès nous dévoile un nouvel espace digital: La Maison des Carrés. Une ôde numérique à son produit icône: le Carré de soie L’objectif de ce site internet est simple : nous raconter, sous toutes les coutures, l’histoire du produit phare de la maison créée en 1837 par Thierry Hermès. Comme à son habitude, le design est admirable: joyeux, ponctué d’animations de ci de là, quasi-régressif (en étant entièrement dessiné par la main prodigieuse de Pierre Marie).
Le constat est clair : 1/ Hermès valorise le « carré » comme l’emblème de son style : une oeuvre d’art adoubée au rang de divinité. Présentation des carrés dans des box en référence à son héritable « équestre » Compte Instagram La Maison des Carrés, Hermès 2014. Swiss watch industry awaits Apple smartwatch - FT.com. Ralph Lauren interview: Style.com's Dirk Standen Speaks With the Designer - Style.com. The office was pretty much the way I'd pictured it would be: wood paneling, black-and-white photos, sleek leather-and-chrome club chairs arranged around a book-laden coffee table the size of a boat.
And the man sitting across from me was more or less familiar from his photographs: the carefully barbered white hair; the tan, gentler now than in its full Cary Grant glory; the art-directed getup of white jeans, sneakers, and khaki jacket, with a jangle of turquoise and silver pendants peeking out from the neck of his matching khaki shirt. The three rules in consumer products: Redefin... The three rules in consumer products: Redefining how to win By Steven Goldbach & Rebecca Godecke "Over the past 40 years, exceptional companies created virtuous cycles that enabled strong, long-term performance.
" No Brands are Safe as Lafley Takes Apart P&G to Rebuild It. The first time around running Procter & Gamble, CEO A.G.
Lafley was in an expansionary mindset that prompted the CPG giant to acquire Gillette, swoop up and deploy outside innovations such as the Crest Spinbrush, and beef up brand after brand and market after market to transform the company into a global consumer-good marketing juggernaut. Not so much this time around. China and the US have very different stereotypes for the same cars. ToastyKen via Flickr The Chinese auto market is a young one, but it is already the world's biggest, and a key region for the global auto industry.
But to sell cars there, it's more than a question of translating manuals and opening a few dealerships. Over the last 30 years, according to the New York Times, the Chinese public has also formed some very strong opinions as to who drives a particular make and model and why — and those views are often at odds with how brands are perceived in the U.S. For non-Chinese automakers, understanding those perceptions is key to putting more cars on the road. [An earlier version of this article was written by Alex Davies and Travis Okulski.] Audi in China: For the government elite. In China, Audi's are seen as the car of the government and elite.
Fast fact: Audi gained access to the Chinese market nearly 15 years before BMW, thanks to a shrewd partnership parent company VW made with Chinese automaker Yiqi. Abercrombie to Strip Logo from Clothing - BoF - The Business of Fashion. OHIO, United States — The Abercrombie & Fitch logo has lost the power it once wielded.
Starbucks: Storm In A Coffee Cup. 2013.9.4 | Wall Street Journal.