How to Hire Remote Developers in 2023. Remote work is here to stay. According to the latest Survey by Fiverr , almost two thirds of the total remote workers in the world have switched to remote work in the last four years. Furthermore, upon asking, 80% of the on-site workers expressed a desire to work remotely. Businesses, small and large, are riding the bandwagon of remote work and inching closer to their business goals with cut-down operation costs and global talents. But all of that begins with an efficient strategy to hire remote workers. Although remote work has become prevalent across all major industries; businesses are still struggling with the hiring part.
So how do you ensure your team is well-versed in their domain? This write-up aims to educate all new business owners about the promising benefits, potential challenges, and prevailing misconceptions about hiring remote developers. Why Should You Hire Remote Developers Here is a look at some of them: For Employers: For Employees " Research from Ergotron says yes.