Mind Machine
A mind machine uses pulsing rhythmic sound, flashing light, electrical or magnetic fields, or a combination of these, to alter the frequency of the user's brainwaves. Mind machines can induce deep states of relaxation, concentration, and in some cases altered states of consciousness, which have been compared to those obtained from meditation and shamanic exploration.
Mind Machine. Mind Machine. Plus.google. Plus.google. Mind Machine. Mindmachine2, Washington, DC. Tumblr. Mind Machine (@mindmachine31) Mindmachine2. Mind Machine – Google Drive. Mind Machine - Blog. Mind Machine on Vimeo. Mind Machine on Alternion. Social Media Management Platform. Public To-Do List for Mind Machine ✓ Toodledo.
Evernote shared notebook: Mindmachine2. Mind Machine on Pocket. Instapaper. Mind Machine - District of Columbia, DC. Mind Machine. Mindmachine2’s Applets.