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Jim Gosling

Founded in 2014, Minutes Solutions Inc. is the global leader in professional, third-party minute taking. Our large team of minute takers and editors serves organizations in every industry. We save you hours by taking your minutes.

Condo Board Meeting Minutes | Why Minutes are Important for HOAs & Condos. Written by Mitch Drimmer, President, Axela Technologies and Noah Maislin, CEO, Minutes Solutions Taking minutes for an HOA or condo meeting can be arduous, intimidating, and a misunderstood procedure. But make no mistake, meeting minutes are crucial and – if taken incorrectly – could cost the community financially. Minutes are not supposed to be a verbatim recording of what happened at the meeting, but rather they are an official record of the decisions taken by the board of directors. It is where the motions, votes on motions, action items, and notations of items tabled for a future meeting are memorialized. They are a living written history of the association and provide a linear record of the decisions made over the tenure of many boards of directors. Minutes should be kept for many years and, depending on your where you live, there are often time horizons given for how long they are to be kept.

This is why it is critical that minute taking is done properly. Recorded Meetings | Minutes Solutions Services. 8 Steps to Great Minute Taking - How to Take Minutes. Every board has come across circumstances where meeting minutes needed to be reviewed in order to understand the details of a past discussion or decision. Wading through minutes can be a very cumbersome experience, especially if they are not properly transcribed or easily recalled. Minute-taking can be a daunting task, but it is also crucial. Keeping a fair and unbiased record of decisions can go a long way toward reinforcing a proactive relationship between the board, management and the condo’s residents. A question that often comes up is: How can I make sure I’m taking good meeting minutes? Here are eight tips for crafting a quality set of minutes: Understand the purpose of minutes: Minutes should serve as a tangible summary of what was discussed at a meeting – keeping them relevant and succinct requires keen attention.Know what to include: When taking minutes, discretion is necessary.

Professional Minute Taking Services - Minutes Solutions. Professional Minute Takers | Nonprofit Minutes | Minutes Solutions. Minute Taking Companies - Board Meeting Minutes - Note Taking Company.