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What Are the Top 10 Jiu Jitsu Workouts to Boost Your Stamina?

01 july 2024

What Are the Top 10 Jiu Jitsu Workouts to Boost Your Stamina?

Jiu Jitsu, a martial art that emphasizes grappling and ground fighting, requires immense stamina to perform at peak levels. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, enhancing your stamina is essential to improve your performance and endurance on the mat. This article will delve into the top 10 Jiu Jitsu workouts that will significantly boost your stamina, ensuring you stay competitive and resilient during intense training sessions and matches. Alongside these workouts, we will discuss the importance of proper gear, such asĀ <!--td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->long sleeve rash guards and short sleeve rash guards, to ensure comfort and safety during training.

1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Why HIIT for Jiu Jitsu?

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a powerful workout method involving short bursts of intense activity followed by brief periods of rest or lower-intensity exercise. HIIT mimics the explosive energy bursts required in Jiu Jitsu, making it an ideal workout for boosting stamina.

HIIT Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light jogging or jump rope.
  • Workout:
    • Sprint for 30 seconds.
    • Rest or walk for 30 seconds.
    • Perform 10-15 cycles.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching and deep breathing.


HIIT improves cardiovascular fitness, burns fat, and enhances muscular endurance. Regular HIIT sessions can make your explosive movements in Jiu Jitsu more powerful and sustainable over extended periods.

Gear Tip

Wearing long sleeve rash guards during HIIT can help wick away sweat, keep your muscles warm, and prevent mat burns when you transition to ground exercises.

2. Circuit Training

Why Circuit Training for Jiu Jitsu?

Circuit training involves a series of exercises performed in a sequence with minimal rest between them. This type of training targets different muscle groups and keeps the heart rate elevated, building both strength and endurance.

Circuit Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretches.
  • Workout (perform each exercise for 1 minute, rest for 15 seconds between exercises):
    • Push-ups
    • Squats
    • Burpees
    • Pull-ups
    • Plank
    • Lunges
    • Mountain Climbers
  • Repeat the circuit 3-4 times.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching.


Circuit training enhances cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, and stamina, ensuring that you can maintain a high level of performance throughout your Jiu Jitsu training sessions.

Gear Tip

Short sleeve rash guards are ideal for circuit training, providing flexibility and breathability while protecting your skin during various exercises.

3. Rolling (Sparring) Sessions

Why Rolling for Jiu Jitsu?

Rolling, or sparring, is one of the most effective ways to build stamina specific to Jiu Jitsu. It simulates real-match conditions, requiring continuous movement, technique execution, and adaptability.

Rolling Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 10-15 minutes of joint mobility exercises and light drilling.
  • Workout:
    • Partner up with someone of similar skill level.
    • Spar for 5-10 minutes per round.
    • Take 1-2 minutes rest between rounds.
    • Aim for 4-6 rounds per session.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of light stretching and breathing exercises.


Regular rolling sessions enhance your cardiovascular endurance, mental toughness, and technical skills, making you more adept at handling the physical demands of competitive matches.

Gear Tip

Long sleeve rash guards provide additional grip and prevent skin abrasions during intense rolling sessions, making them a great choice for this workout.

4. Running

Why Running for Jiu Jitsu?

Running is a fundamental exercise for improving cardiovascular health and overall endurance. It builds a strong aerobic base, crucial for maintaining stamina during prolonged Jiu Jitsu sessions.

Running Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of brisk walking or light jogging.
  • Workout:
    • Run at a steady pace for 30-45 minutes.
    • Incorporate interval sprints (30 seconds sprint, 1 minute jog) in the middle of your run.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of walking and stretching.


Running improves your cardiovascular fitness, lung capacity, and leg strength, ensuring that you have the stamina to keep up with the fast-paced nature of Jiu Jitsu.

Gear Tip

Short sleeve rash guards are suitable for running, offering comfort and moisture management, especially during outdoor runs.

5. Strength Training

Why Strength Training for Jiu Jitsu?

Strength training builds the muscle power and endurance necessary for executing and resisting techniques in Jiu Jitsu. It also helps in injury prevention and overall athletic performance.

Strength Training Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching.
  • Workout:
    • Deadlifts: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    • Bench Press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    • Bent Over Rows: 4 sets of 8-10 reps
    • Overhead Press: 4 sets of 6-8 reps
    • Pull-ups: 3 sets to failure
    • Plank: 3 sets of 1 minute
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching.


Strength training increases muscular endurance, power, and resilience, essential for effective grappling and submissions in Jiu Jitsu.

Gear Tip

Long sleeve rash guards can provide compression benefits during strength training, supporting muscle recovery and reducing the risk of strains.

6. Swimming

Why Swimming for Jiu Jitsu?

Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that improves cardiovascular endurance, lung capacity, and overall stamina. The resistance of water provides a full-body workout without the risk of joint strain.

Swimming Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light swimming or water jogging.
  • Workout:
    • Swim continuously for 20-30 minutes.
    • Incorporate different strokes (freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke) to target various muscle groups.
    • Include interval sprints: 50 meters sprint, 50 meters easy swim.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of gentle swimming or floating.


Swimming enhances your cardiovascular fitness, strengthens your muscles, and increases your lung capacity, making you more resilient during long and intense Jiu Jitsu sessions.

Gear Tip

Short sleeve rash guards are suitable for swimming, providing UV protection and reducing drag in the water.

7. Plyometric Training

Why Plyometric Training for Jiu Jitsu?

Plyometric training focuses on explosive movements that enhance power and speed. These exercises simulate the quick, explosive actions required in Jiu Jitsu, such as takedowns and escapes.

Plyometric Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of dynamic stretching and light jogging.
  • Workout:
    • Box Jumps: 3 sets of 10 reps
    • Clap Push-ups: 3 sets of 8 reps
    • Tuck Jumps: 3 sets of 10 reps
    • Lateral Bounds: 3 sets of 10 reps each side
    • Medicine Ball Slams: 3 sets of 15 reps
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching.


Plyometric training improves your explosive strength, agility, and overall endurance, making your movements in Jiu Jitsu faster and more powerful.

Gear Tip

Long sleeve rash guards offer support and protection during high-impact plyometric exercises, helping to reduce the risk of injury.

8. Rowing

Why Rowing for Jiu Jitsu?

Rowing is a full-body workout that builds cardiovascular endurance, strength, and stamina. It mimics the pulling and gripping motions common in Jiu Jitsu, making it a highly effective cross-training exercise.

Rowing Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of easy rowing.
  • Workout:
    • Row at a moderate pace for 20-30 minutes.
    • Incorporate intervals: 1 minute of high-intensity rowing, 2 minutes of easy rowing.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of light rowing and stretching.


Rowing enhances your cardiovascular fitness, strengthens your upper body and core, and improves your grip strength, all of which are crucial for effective grappling in Jiu Jitsu.

Gear Tip

Short sleeve rash guards are perfect for rowing, offering comfort and flexibility while keeping you cool during your workout.

9. Cycling

Why Cycling for Jiu Jitsu?

Cycling is an excellent way to build cardiovascular endurance and leg strength without putting excessive stress on your joints. It provides a steady-state aerobic workout that complements the high-intensity demands of Jiu Jitsu.

Cycling Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of easy cycling.
  • Workout:
    • Cycle at a steady pace for 30-45 minutes.
    • Include intervals: 2 minutes of high-intensity cycling, 3 minutes of easy cycling.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of gentle cycling and stretching.


Cycling improves your cardiovascular health, leg strength, and overall stamina, ensuring you have the endurance to sustain high levels of activity during Jiu Jitsu training and matches.

Gear Tip

Short sleeve rash guards are ideal for cycling, providing moisture-wicking properties and comfort during long rides.

10. Yoga

Why Yoga for Jiu Jitsu?

Yoga enhances flexibility, balance, and mental focus, all of which are vital for Jiu Jitsu practitioners. It also promotes recovery and reduces the risk of injuries by improving overall body awareness and control.

Yoga Routine for Jiu Jitsu

  • Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light stretching.
  • Workout (hold each pose for 30-60 seconds):
    • Downward Dog
    • Warrior II
    • Triangle Pose
    • Cobra Pose
    • Child's Pose
    • Seated Forward Bend
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of deep breathing and meditation.


Yoga improves your flexibility, core strength, and mental clarity, helping you stay calm and composed during intense Jiu Jitsu matches and training sessions.

Gear Tip

Long sleeve rash guards are great for yoga, providing a comfortable fit and additional warmth during slower, static poses.


Boosting your stamina is essential for excelling in Jiu Jitsu. Incorporating a variety of workouts, such as HIIT, circuit training, rolling sessions, running, strength training, swimming, plyometric training, rowing, cycling, and yoga, into your routine can significantly enhance your endurance and overall performance on the mat. Additionally, wearing appropriate gear like long sleeve rash guards and<!--td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->short sleeve rash guards ensures comfort, protection, and optimal performance during your training sessions. By following these top 10<!--td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->jiu jitsu workouts, you will build the stamina needed to stay competitive and resilient in this demanding martial art.