Newer Technology. Com.post.ability. Self Sufficiency. New adhesive system makes a circuit board that is 90% recyclable. Biodegradable Plastic Option From Shrimp Shells. From the depths of the oceans to stomachs of whales waste plastics are out of control.
Now there is a new entry in the quest for an alternative that won't require us to get more responsible about littering, although vegetarians may have very mixed feelings. Plastic waste is a classic tragedy of the commons problem. Even if we were able to get 90% of the people who currently dump products without thinking to mend their ways, the rest would still end up destroying marine life the rest of us love, just a little more slowly.
Twenty years ago there were hopes that starch or cellulose-based plastics would solve the problem. Since bacteria have had hundreds of millions of years to work out how to break these down they've got pretty good at it.
Macro Eco Solutions. O Eco Solutions. Panarchy. Panarchy What is Panarchy?
Panarchy is a conceptual framework to account for the dual, and seemingly contradictory, characteristics of all complex systems – stability and change. It is the study of how economic growth and human development depend on ecosystems and institutions, and how they interact. ECOREGION CONCEPT & TERRITOIRES. The_Man_Who_Planted_Trees. Harmony Org. Jean Giono - L'homme qui plantait des arbres. La nouvelle de Jean Giono qui suit a été écrite vers 1953 et n'est que peu connue en France.
Par contre, traduite en treize langues, elle a été largement diffusée dans le monde entier et si appréciée que de nombreuses questions ont été posées sur la personnalité d'Elzéard Bouffier et sur la forêt de Vergons, ce qui a permis de retrouver le texte. Si l'homme qui plantait des chênes est le produit de l'imagination de l'auteur, il y a eu effectivement dans cette région un énorme effort de reboisement surtout depuis 1880. Cent mille hectares ont été reboisés avant la première guerre mondiale, surtout en pin noir d'Autriche et en mélèze d'Europe, ce sont aujourd'hui de belles forêts qui ont effectivement transformé le paysage et le régime des eaux.
Meghalaya villagers create 'living' bridges by training roots across a river. By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 15:35 GMT, 10 September 2011 Deep in the rainforests of the Indian state of Meghalaya, bridges are not built, they’re grown.
12 Sustainable Design Ideas from Nature. “In this inspiring talk about recent developments in biomimicry, Janine Benyus provides heartening examples of ways in which nature is already influencing the products and systems we build.”
7 car-free cities: Independent of the auto. Interested in uplifting stories on the natural world, sustainable communities, simple food, and new thinking on how to live well?
Please enter a valid email address and try again! End your parking woes with this foldable car. Urban Green Council report: How New York City could cut emissions by 90 percent by 2050. Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images Climate scientists have estimated that, in order to avoid runaway global warming, the world would need to cut its carbon emissions roughly in half by 2050.
Since emissions in developing countries like China and India are still rising fast, meeting this target would require developed nations to aim for a figure more like 80 percent. When you consider that the United States, the largest polluter in the developed world, has no real strategy in place to achieve that—and that no binding international agreements appear to be on the horizon—the goal can start to sound nigh impossible. Www.planetshifter.com. TreeHugger. iFixit/CC BY-ND 3.0People are talking a lot about cell phone unlocking in the news this week.
Until recently, unlocking mostly flew under the radar—a common technique used by consumers who need to use their phones with more than one carrier. But late last year the Librarian of Congress banned the practice, catapulting cell phone unlocking into the national spotlight. Unlocking is a software tweak that disables a device’s SIM lock. So, once the contract is over, owners of unlocked devices can switch to the carrier of their choice. Carriers including AT&T and Verizon argue that unlocking a cell phone without permission is a violation of copyright under the 1998 Digital Millenium Copyright Act—a law originally designed to prevent piracy. World Changing Ideas: 20 Ways to Build a Cleaner, Healthier, Smarter World.
What would happen if solar panels were free?
What if it were possible to know everything about the world—not the Internet, but the living, physical world—in real time? Local, Sustainable, Organic Food. Local Harvest / Farmers Markets / Family Farms / CSA / Organic Food. People's Grocery. Growing Power. How to Make The Most of Your Yard (Including Weeds!), Permaculture Style.
Fix the planet. Dry San Diego to look to sewers as water source. SAN DIEGO (AP) — Acknowledging California's parched new reality, the city of San Diego has embraced a once-toxic idea: turning sewer water into drinking water.
Review of solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy security. Our Technical Reality. Eco Ontology. Humane Ecology. Recycle Reuse. Recyclart. Seeds. Seeds - Saving, Trading, Buying. Water Solutions. Land Water BioMass.