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Sophia Carter

I am a fervent Montessori teacher with more than 10 years of experience helping young minds learn with the transformative Montessori methodology. She has an AMI certificate and has taught in a variety of Montessori environments that range from urban school to remote communities. Jane holds firmly to the value of a well-prepared environment and values the personal experience of each child. Being a lifetime student, she is always seeking to increase her knowledge about the development of children and psychological aspects of education. Jane has a passion for fostering an interest in learning and self-confidence in her children, and is a proponent of child-centered education via workshops and on her blog, in which she offers tips and insight to parents as well as educators.

FREE Montessori Ressources (PDF)

Montessori Activities. Montessori Education Ressources. Montessori Book. Montessori Materials.