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What is a Training Matrix? 8 Steps to Create One Effectively. When looking at your organisation’s processes and the workforce behind them, it’s good to know what skills, qualifications and competencies these people have. An employee training matrix is great for organising this information and displaying it in an orderly and easy to read way. What is a training matrix? A training matrix will typically show the qualifications for each member of your workforce and the status of the qualification for example, whether it is valid, expiring or expired. This document will become essential for those responsible for managing your workforce.

Traditionally a training matrix is created using spreadsheet software like Excel, however training matrix software is also very popular and makes the process easier, saves time and and is less susceptible to human-error. Why does my company need a training matrix? There are many benefits to using a training matrix, including: Where do I start building a training matrix? What are the benefits of maintaining a training matrix? Synchronized Success: Collaboration and Automation in Compliance Management.