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MTHFR Gene Health

MTHFR gene health are specialists in genetic health, MTHFR symptom diagnosis and treatment for MTHFR gene mutations including solutions for MTHFR fertility & Miscarriage. We help with diagnosis and treatment of complex health problems We provide online consultations globally. Learn more about: What is MTHFR, MTHFR Symptoms, MTHFR conditions, MTHFR Facts and Questions, MTHFR Treatments, MTHFR Self diagnosis, MTHFR Fertility, Miscarriage Solutions, Autism Treatments, Genetic gut solutions, Genetic migraine solutions, Auto immune disease solutions, Ancestry and 23andme raw data interpretation.

MTHFR Gene Health

MTHFR Gene Health - MTHFR Sysmptoms. MTHFR gene health Media Room. MTHFR Gene Health. It turns out we have much more control over how our genes express than we ever thought, in fact, we have 80-90% control. How we influence our genes through diet, lifestyle choices, the thoughts we think and our environment is our key to optimal health. This means that genes alone do not cause faster aging, illness or disease in most cases - our choices do. The probability of developing symptoms, illness or disease rests upon the lifestyle decisions we make. You may have the genetic potential for heart disease, but through your lifestyle choices - you can effectively turn on or off certain switches that prevent heart disease from manifesting in your life. We are fortunate that we now know that we have 80-90% control in how healthy we are.. or not. This control, however, requires an element of responsibility and yet, gives us hope that we will not be another negative health statistic.

When I've had health issues, the first place I look is my lifestyle! The Lifestyle-Gene Connection.