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MTHFR Gene Health

Russell Browne is the director of the company trading as MTHFR Gene Health Practice and a published author in his field. Russell is the original founder of MTHFR GENE HEALTH™.

MTHFR Gene Health Practice

MTHFR Gene Gordon NSW - MTHFR Gene Health. MTHFR gene health Media Room. MTHFR Gene Health Practice. When many people gain weight or develop health conditions, they often believe they inherited the problem from their parents. I bet you've heard, "My relatives have it too. " Although there are some fixed genetic traits, such as eye or hair color, and some genetic aberrations, up to 80% of our genes are influenced by our environment, including our lifestyle choices. Many experts now agree that chronic conditions and diseases are strongly driven by lifestyle habits (eating, activity levels, stress, etc.). For example, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood sugar/diabetes, overweight, arthritis, chronic inflammation, and cancer are significantly driven by our choices.

Disease Model Counter Productive? Many people follow the disease-based model of our medical system (rather than an optimal-health/lifestyle one). MTHFR Gene Health - Google Maps. MTHFR Gene Health - Genetics Health Consultant.