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Training muay thai thailand. Muay Thai in Thailand: Inside The Ring Have you dreamt of training in martial arts, or have you been training and you want an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life? Then pack your bags for Koh Samui. This trip isn’t about changing who you are but bringing out the best in you. And the trainers at Punch It Muay Thai are masters at that. This isn’t your neighborhood gym or your ordinary vacation retreat. You will be headed to Koh Samui, a beautiful island in Southern Thailand. My Personal Experience Training at Punch It Punch It Muay Thai has impacted its trainees’ lives inside and outside the ring. I have trained 3x at Punch It Muay Thai and participated in beginner and fighters’ classes. If you’re a beginner, no fitness level is necessarily required, but it will be easier if you can at least run a 5k. Keep reading if you’re thinking of packing your bags and being a fighter.

Overview of Koh Samui’s Allure Traveling to Punch It From North America From Europe From Australia Rest.