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How to Navigate a MotoNovo Car Finance Claim: A Comprehensive Guide

01 september 2024

How to Navigate a MotoNovo Car Finance Claim: A Comprehensive Guide

MotoNovo, a prominent provider of car finance in the UK, has facilitated the purchase of vehicles for many consumers. However, some customers have encountered issues with their MotoNovo finance agreements, leading to potential claims for mis-selling or unfair treatment. If you believe you were misled or that your finance agreement was not transparent, you may have grounds to make a claim against MotoNovo. This article will guide you through the process of understanding and pursuing a MotoNovo car finance claim.

What is a MotoNovo Car Finance Claim?

A MotoNovo car finance claim arises when a customer feels that they were mis-sold a finance agreement or were treated unfairly during the transaction. This could involve a range of issues, such as undisclosed commissions, misleading information about the finance terms, or inadequate affordability checks. If you have a valid claim, you could be entitled to compensation, adjustments to your agreement, or even the cancellation of the finance deal.

Common Grounds for MotoNovo Car Finance Claims

Several common issues may form the basis of a MotoNovo car finance claim. These include:

  1. Misrepresentation of Finance Terms: If you were provided with incorrect or misleading information about the terms of your finance agreement, such as the interest rate, the total cost of the loan, or the existence of additional fees, you may have grounds for a claim. For example, you might have been led to believe that the interest rate was fixed when it was actually variable.
  2. Undisclosed Commissions: Sometimes, dealers or brokers receive commissions from MotoNovo for arranging finance agreements. If these commissions were not disclosed to you, and they influenced the terms of your deal, you may be entitled to compensation. Undisclosed commissions can lead to conflicts of interest, where the dealer may have recommended a finance deal that wasn't in your best interest.
  3. Inadequate Affordability Checks: Lenders like MotoNovo are required to conduct thorough affordability checks before approving a finance agreement. If these checks were not properly carried out and you were given a loan that you cannot afford, this could be a basis for a claim. An inadequate affordability check may leave you struggling to meet your repayments.
  4. Pressure Selling: If you felt pressured or rushed into signing a finance agreement without sufficient time to review the terms and consider your options, this could constitute mis-selling. You have the right to make a considered decision, free from undue pressure.
  5. Lack of Transparency: If key aspects of your finance agreement were not clearly explained or were omitted, such as the presence of a balloon payment at the end of the agreement or additional costs, you may have grounds to challenge the agreement.

How to Determine If You Have a Valid Claim Against MotoNovo

To determine whether you have a valid claim against MotoNovo, consider the following steps:

  1. Review Your Finance Agreement: Start by carefully reviewing your finance agreement. Pay attention to the interest rate, fees, repayment terms, and any clauses that you do not fully understand. Look for any discrepancies between what was explained to you and what is in the contract.
  2. Reflect on the Sales Process: Consider how the finance agreement was presented to you. Were all the terms explained clearly? Did you feel pressured to sign? Were any details glossed over or not mentioned at all?
  3. Check for Commission Disclosures: If your finance deal was arranged through a dealer or broker, check whether they disclosed any commissions they received from MotoNovo. If this was not disclosed and it influenced your deal, you might have a case.
  4. Assess Affordability: Think about whether the loan was truly affordable based on your financial situation at the time. If you were given a loan that you now struggle to repay, it’s possible that proper affordability checks were not conducted.
  5. Seek Professional Advice: If you are unsure whether you have a case, it might be worthwhile to consult with a legal professional or a claims management company that specializes in car finance claims. They can provide an expert assessment of your situation.

The Process of Making a MotoNovo Car Finance Claim

If you believe you have a valid claim against MotoNovo, here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Gather Evidence: Collect all relevant documents related to your car finance agreement, including the contract, any communication with MotoNovo, and promotional materials or advertisements that influenced your decision. Documentation is key to supporting your claim.
  2. Contact MotoNovo: Start by raising your concerns directly with MotoNovo. Outline the issues you have identified and provide them with any evidence you have collected. They are required to respond to your complaint and may offer a resolution. Companies often have a complaints procedure, and you should follow this first.
  3. File a Complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS): If you are not satisfied with MotoNovo’s response, you can escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The FOS is an independent body that will investigate your case and, if they find in your favor, may award compensation or other remedies.
  4. Consider Legal Action: If your claim is complex or if the FOS decision is not in your favor, you may want to consider legal action. A solicitor who specializes in consumer law can guide you through this process and help you pursue your claim.
  5. Claim Compensation: If your claim is successful, you may be entitled to compensation. This could include a refund of any overpaid interest, a reduction of the outstanding balance, or even the cancellation of the finance agreement. Compensation aims to put you back in the position you would have been in had the mis-selling not occurred.


MotoNovo car finance claims can provide an important route to compensation if you believe you were mis-sold a finance agreement or treated unfairly during the sales process. By understanding the common issues that lead to these claims and following the appropriate steps, you can protect your rights and seek the redress you deserve. If you think you have a valid claim against MotoNovo, acting promptly and gathering the necessary evidence will be crucial to your success. Whether you pursue the claim yourself or with professional help, it’s important to ensure that you are not left worse off due to an unfair finance agreement.