Cannes known worldwide for its film and yachting festivals • All PYRENEES · France, Spain, Andorra. Cannes (Fr. Cannes) is a French commune in the Cannes Pays de Lérins agglomeration community located in the Alpes department – Maritimes, in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. Part of French Riviera. Ligurian fishing village during Antiquity, linked to the legends of Saint-Honorat and the man in the iron mask on the Lérins islands, a health resort and seaside resort on the Côte d’Azur in the nineteenth century, the city takes off with the construction of holiday residences by English and Russian aristocrats then, from the beginning of the twentieth century, luxury hotels for wealthy tourists, constituting its architectural heritage. Equipped with a cutting-edge industry, a small business airport, several ports and a convention centre, anchored in the Bay of Cannes, bordered by the Massif de l’Esterel to the west, the Gulf Juan to the east and the Mediterranean Sea, Cannes is today known worldwide for its film and yachting festivals and for its Croisette lined with a few palaces.