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Chronic Disease Prevention and Management

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BG3 Chronic Disease and Nursing e. Chronic Disease Prevention and Management. March 2007 ISBN 978-0-662-45024-5 (PDF version) Cat. H21-286/1-2007E-PDF (PDF version) This report is one in a series of five syntheses of Primary Health Care Transition Fund (PHCTF) initiative results addressing the following topics: Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Collaborative Care, Evaluation and Evidence and Information Management and Technology. The fifth report is an overall analysis on the role and impact of the PHCTF in primary health care renewal entitled Laying the Groundwork for Culture Change: The Legacy of the Primary Health Care Transition Fund.

All are available electronically on the PHCTF Web site (, which also contains information on individual PHCTF initiatives. Table of Contents Preface When Canadians need health care, most often they turn to primary health care (PHC) services.Footnote 1 PHC is the first point of contact with the health care system, and traditionally has focused on the role of family physicians. Acknowledgements. The Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System – An Overview. The Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance System (CCDSS) is a collaborative network of provincial and territorial surveillance systems, supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). The CCDSS enhances the scope of data on chronic diseases in Canada and supports the planning of health resources and the development of health policies and programs. It collects data on all residents who are eligible for provincial or territorial health insurance and can generate national estimates and trends over time for over 20 chronic diseases (see the textbox “Chronic diseases included in the CCDSS”).Footnote 1 More information on these diseases is available at: What are CCDSS data sources?

Each database (Figure 1) provides a specific piece of information contributing to case identification. What are CCDSS case definitions? CCDSS case definition using diabetes as an example What do CCDSS data provide? Acknowledgements References. Quebec Integrated Chronic Disease Surveillance System (QICDSS), an innovative approach - CDIC: Vol 34, No 4, November 2014. Volume 34 · Number 4 · November 2014 Quebec Integrated Chronic Disease Surveillance System (QICDSS), an innovative approach C. Blais, PhD (1, 2); S. Jean, PhD (1, 3, 4); C. Sirois, PhD (1, 5); L. Rochette, MSc (1); C. Plante, MSc (1); I. This article has been peer reviewed. Author references: Institut national de santé publique du Québec, Québec, Quebec, Canada Faculté de pharmacie, Université Laval, Québec, Quebec, Canada Faculté de médecine, Université Laval, Québec, Quebec, Canada Département de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada Département de sciences infirmières, Université du Québec à Rimouski, Lévis, Quebec, Canada Population Research Outcome Studies (PROS), University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia Correspondence: Valérie Émond, Institut national de santé publique du Québec, 945 Wolfe Avenue, Québec, QC G1V 5B3; Tel.: 418-650-5115 ext. 5720; Fax: 418-643-5099; Email: Abstract Introduction Methods Data sources.

Chronic Disease Data | Public Health Ontario. CSBE T2 CurrentStatus2010. How an opioid addiction can eat your heart alive. Nursing Management of Hypertension. FINAL TOBACCO INTERVENTION WEB. Strategies to Support Self Management in Chronic Conditions Collaboration with Clients. Valvular heart disease | Heart and Stroke Foundation. Treatment Treatment depends on the severity of your valvular heart disease. If your heart valve problem is very minor you may not need any treatment at all. You will have regular check-ups to see if your condition gets any worse. Medication can be prescribed if your heart valve problem is causing symptoms. If your condition is more serious, you may need more intensive treatment. Options include valve repair or replacement in combination with medication. You and your doctor will discuss the treatment options and decide which is best for you and your circumstances. 1.

Medication cannot cure valvular heart disease, but it may relieve swelling, abnormal heart rhythm, high blood pressure and other symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe: Diuretics (water pills) to reduce swelling and fluid buildup in the body. There are tips and tools to help you manage your medications – keep track of prescriptions, travel, storage, interactions etc. 2. Valve repair Valve replacement 3. Be smoke-free. What are Heart Valve Problems and How are they Managed? Why do we have heart valves? Your heart has four chambers. Blood pumps through these four chambers to the rest of your body. The blood in your heart flows from chamber to chamber through four different heart valves. The valves open and close to ensure that blood flows in the proper direction. The four heart valves are called: the mitral valve the tricuspid valve the aortic valve the pulmonic valve. What causes a heart valve to malfunction?

A heart valve is “malfunctioning” when it fails to fully open or close. Congenital valve abnormalities (abnormalities that they're born with) older age infections of the heart such as rheumatic heart fever and endocarditis. Stenosis of a heart valve means that the opening has become narrower and the valve can't open properly. When a heart valve can't close properly, it is called prolapse. How do I know if I have a problem with my heart valve?

A problematic heart valve can cause a variety of symptoms including: Additional resources. Valvular Heart Disease | What causes valvular heart disease? There are several causes of valvular heart disease, including congenital conditions (being born with it), infections, degenerative conditions (wearing out with age), and conditions linked to other types of heart disease. Rheumatic disease can happen after an infection from the bacteria that causes strep throat is not treated with antibiotics. The infection can cause scarring of the heart valve. This is the most common cause of valve disease worldwide, but it is much less common in the United States, where most strep infections are treated early with antibiotics. It is, however, more common in the United States among people born before 1943.Endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of the heart caused by a severe infection in the blood. The infection can settle on the heart valves and damage the leaflets.

What are the symptoms of valvular heart disease? Heart valve disease can develop quickly or over a long period. References Otto CM, Bonow RO. Infective endocarditis | Heart and Stroke Foundation. Who is at risk? Endocarditis is very rare in people who don’t already have a heart condition. There are four main groups of people who are at risk for infective endocarditis. People with underlying heart problems such as congenital heart disease, valvular heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, rheumatic heart disease, or previous bouts of endocarditis. People who have undergone heart valve repair or replacement, or have had a pacemaker inserted into their chest. Intravenous drug users. People who are immunocompromised by such things as an organ transplant or HIV. If you are in one of these groups, any situation or procedure that could allow bacteria to enter your bloodstream puts you at risk for infection.

Preparing for dental work If you are in one of the groups that are at risk of developing infective endocarditis, you need to prepare for dental work. Ask your doctor if any you need to take any special precautions.