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Induatio Penis Plastica - PHALLOSAN Forte. Quote: L. Weißbach, E. A. Boedefeld, T. Widmann, Vorwort zum Berichtsband des IPP-Symposium 1984, Urologische Universitätsklinik Bonn-Venusberg, M. "It has been almost 250 years since the first description of induratio penis plastica (IPP) and there are still speculations on etiology. This still hold true for the year 2002. Attempts at conservative therapy, be it with medication, soft x-rays, electromechanical shock waves or the penetration of iontophoretic agents (administration of medication via an electrical field) have - if at all - had only a symptomatic and passing effect. A last resort, these plaques can be surgically corrected by excision and the resulting defects concealed by alloplastic or allogenic material, or the body's own tissue.

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