Public speaking has a reputation as a skill that is rarely used, but the truth is, it is a skill that has been in use for centuries. History tells us that this skill was critical to learning to be a leader. There are two parts to public speaking: leading and listening.
Leading leaders are well versed in leadership by demonstrating the correct methods for accomplishing tasks. They are able to lead their team members because they understand what motivates them. All leaders are first and foremost people who understand what motivates others.
Having these skills are very important, but they do not imply that leaders are always using different strategies to gain the results they want. Because of this, professional development will help leaders gain the knowledge necessary to be a leader while also teaching them the right tools to lead.
This is where public speaking comes in. It provides a place for leaders to meet and share their knowledge with others. Their strategies are discussed, how they apply to specific situations and how they handle frustration. Not only will this make them a better leader, but it can also help improve teamwork.
More info here: http://www.pearltrees.com/vicrank/item245302331
More info here: https://reason.com/2010/03/21/health-care-endgame/