Public speaking
> Nikitaeppili
Ruthsherman. I recently watched Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speak about the upcoming changes to Facebook. As I was watching, I was thinking, “Eh. He’s ok, nothing special. Voice is sort of expressive. No facial expression. He doesn’t command the stage. He turns his back to the audience. But maybe I’m wrong. And I have to honestly say, probably not.
The rest of us, however, can’t afford to be average and here’s why: Becoming a brilliant speaker–and I mean brilliant, not just good enough–is a monster of a differentiator. So if you knew that you could acquire a skill that would differentiate you in a very major way, that is so persuasive and has such appeal, and that almost all of your competitors don’t have, would you? Because although you may be smart, you’re probably not nearly as smart as Mark Zuckerberg. Copyright 2011 Ruth Sherman.
Ruthsherman. This past Sunday, The New York Times Business Section contained an interesting interview with James J.
Schiro, CEO of Zurich Financial Services. I had just completed most of this newsletter, so the first question and answer were perfectly timed: Q. What is the most important leadership lesson you’ve learned? A. This experienced and successful business leader knows that when we meet with clients, customers, and prospects, while it is tempting to tell them about ourselves, to entice them with who we are, who’s on our team, what the business is and what we have to offer, that’s exactly the wrong approach.
Instead of speaking, we should be listening. An Unsurpassed Method of Building and Sustaining Relationships I was working with a CEO client a couple of months ago and I asked him how business was going. During our subsequent discussion, I asked questions and listened to his responses. Many people have the idea that listening is hard work, but that is untrue.
And here’s my favorite: (Me, too.)
Ruth Sherman Entrepreneur Key Message Development & Speech Writing - Ruth Sherman. Language that resonates – the words we bring to our public – must immediately grab attention and move people to action. Titles of programs and presentations, taglines, business and promotional messages, as well as the way we communicate during a crisis, all contribute to our success – or failure. It’s something a lot of pros struggle with. By working with Ruth to develop your key messages, you’ll learn what works to quickly capture attention and provoke action.
Coming up with just the right words and crafting them into messages that resonate, result in repeatable memes that quickly communicate who you are and what you stand for. Furthermore, they remain sturdy for years to come. Working via collaborative, focused, and directed discussions, you’ll come away with precise and powerful language that motivates, inspires, and persuades. As a result of this message and speech development process, your target markets will know exactly what you do and why they should buy. Media Training & Coaching. Ruthsherman. It’s that time again – candidates announcing they’re running for president.
Last time it was the GOP who put up massive numbers of candidates. This time it’s the Democrats. There have been a number of familiar names and a lot of newbies. Seems like someone new announces every day. But no one – no one – has received the kind of attention Pete Buttigieg has. He’s a very skillful speaker and communicator. So why has his ascent been so metoric? Buttigieg recognized that if he were going to have a chance to compete with much more experienced and known contenders, he’d have to do it the Obama way… Speak confidently. These are just a very few things around communicating skillfully he does that anyone could do. Look, Mayor Pete could be gone tomorrow. Communicating skillfully on every platform is the greatest marketing and personal branding tool no one wants to use. (Also, if you are confused about how to pronounce his name, try “Buddha Judge.”
Ruthsherman. Ruthsherman. As an expert in communication, I am always struck by people who communicate generously.
Perhaps, due to our busy schedules and propensity for communicating via email, text and IM, generosity in business communication has become rare. I’m happy to report, however, that in certain quarters, it does still exist! Following are four stories of generous business communicators and the rewards reaped by both “donor” and “recipient.” In fact, in such interactions, the donor becomes the recipient. Generous communication is indeed a virtuous circle. Story #1 – The Former Client I was spurred to write about generosity in communication by my friend Winston Ma, a Chinese expat attorney and MBA who now works for a major investment bank. At the end of our official time together, I invited Winston to keep in touch. This all took up a good deal of my time and as time is what I sell, I must admit that I thought about charging him. Story #2 – The Airline Pilot Story #3 – The CEO Empathy is the Key Ingredient. Ruth Sherman Celebrity Coach: Communication Training for Celebrities | Ruth Sherman.
Celebrities and public figures require communication training that can only be addressed by partnering with an experienced celebrity coach. Whether media training, public speaking, message development, or other related needs, our programs maximize confidence and control and minimize surprises. As we have seen time and again, the media can either expedite a person’s public ascension, or quickly and devastatingly take him or her down. All of this is controlled through proper training and management by a qualified celebrity coach. Communication training for celebrities and public figures (as well as those on the cusp of fame), enables these extraordinary professionals to become adept at navigating appearances and media interviews and interactions, subsequently benefiting from the upside, while avoiding the “media slide” that is, unfortunately, so common today, where celebrities and those in the public eye are judged and punished by a single misstep.
Thank you so much, Ruth. .
- Dr.
Ruth Sherman Public Speaking Coach & Strategic Communication Consultant | Ruth Sherman. A sought-after consultant, communications expert, commentator, author, and speaker, Ruth Sherman prepares Business Leaders, Executives, Celebrities, and Public Figures to fine-tune their speaking and presence on stage, on camera, and in the media.
Ruth’s philosophy is that charisma is a learned skill and once mastered, has the potential to motivate, persuade, inspire, and advance business and personal interests. She works closely with her clients to develop their public speaking, perfect their personal and professional magnetism, and transform their ability to connect and attract in any venue. She provides a wide range of services, always tailored to each client’s specific needs, skills, goals, and opportunities. With formal training as a musician, a background as a commercial singer and announcer, as well as holding a masters degree in speech and interpersonal communication, Ruth’s combined background creates a unique foundation and approach to communication.
Ruth Sherman Entrepreneur Presentation & Public Speaking Training - Ruth Sherman.
Entrepreneur Communication Startup or storefront. Coach or consultant. Whatever your business, commanding the room, stage, and camera will accelerate visibility, influence, and revenues. Public speaking, presentation, developing clear messages, and video presentation skills are no longer optional. Service Professionals Communication Physicians, attorneys, CPAs, and other service pros must master the intricacies of speaking and communicating to differentiate among peers, become thought leaders, and attract high-quality clients.
Ruth Sherman Media Training & Coaching Workshops for Executives | Ruth Sherman. The media can work for you or against you in direct relation to your level of preparedness. Media exposure requires leaders to positively convey messages via the press in both official and unscripted capacities. While most media training courses are delivered with a journalist mind-set, ours are delivered strictly from the client’s point of view.
We believe for executives to perform well in a high-stakes media setting, they must be able to assert themselves while remaining likable; deliver powerful and logical talking points while being concise; present themselves and their businesses with conviction while conveying empathy; and be flexible while staying on-message and in control. Media training for executives prepares leaders for expert interviews, corporate news delivery, and crisis communication. Executive media training programs can include: In our media training program, video recording and playback are always used. Executive speech training, coaching & consulting. Ruth Sherman Speech Development & Strategic Communication Consulting | Ruth Sherman. Language influences behavior.
By developing key messages, we aim to quickly capture attention and provoke action. Whether clients are looking to come up with just the right words for titles and subtitles, program content, presentations or speeches, tag lines, and corporate / promotional content, well-crafted messages will suit each form separately, while tying them all together. Effective message development results in repeatable memes that quickly communicate the corporate message and resonate with target markets for years to come. Working via focused and directed discussions with the client, we will develop precise and powerful language that motivates, inspires, and persuades.
As a result of this message and speech development process, your markets will know exactly what you do, what you stand for, and why they should buy. Some of the areas covered in message development include: Ruth works with corporate clients across a range of required communication needs:
Ruth Sherman Video Teleconferencing & Telepresence Training by Ruth Sherman. With the explosion in video teleconferencing technology being used to bring people together online, a relatively new skill that leaders are now required to master is telepresence. Our on-camera video presentation training is for clients looking to master the techniques necessary to engage via videoconferences, promotional or industrial videos, webinars, shareholder outreach, and virtual town-halls, all now considered leadership essentials.
Through our unique and proprietary telepresence training, the ability to come across confidently and engagingly on screen is something we prepare our clients to excel at. A cross section of the areas we cover include: VIDEO SCRIPTING: Video teleconference training success depends upon the quality of the video script; it must be written for the ear, not the eye.
When developing telepresence and video conferencing skills, video recording and playback are always used. Ruth works with corporate clients across a range of required communication needs:
Ruth Sherman Speech Training Courses & Consulting for Executives by Ruth Sherman. Executive speech coaching, consulting, and training are tailored for corporate leadership and cover the strategic presentation, public speaking, and leadership communication skills required for high-stakes public speaking events such as keynotes, road shows, major sales presentations, board presentations, and shareholders’ meetings.
Speech coaching and training conducted by a highly qualified and experienced coach who understands a client’s business and goals, focuses on all aspects of the project, from speech development and messaging skills through executive presence and delivery technique. Ruth collaborates closely with the leader and/or the designated team to implement the following strategies in a measured process: SPEECH DEVELOPMENT & MESSAGING: Speech training starts by developing compelling personal messages and stories, weaving them into the speech or presentation in a strategic way to keep audiences rapt and engaged throughout. Executive speech training, coaching & consulting. Ruth Sherman Leadership Communication Skills Training & Coaching for Executives | Ruth Sherman.
Today’s top executives require leadership communication training and skills that educate, inspire, and induce action both internally with their teams and externally with their markets. Executive leadership training and coaching enables these leaders to wield the immense power of business communication in an effective and intentional manner allowing them to achieve organizational goals, create clear communication lines, and further the development of a positive bottom line.
Ruth’s executive communication training is designed for high-level corporate executives and leaders of emerging businesses, ranging from divisional leaders to the C-Suite. She marries both expertise and discretion, professionalism and measurable results. Her clients, through leadership communication coaching, become excellent at public speaking and presenting, acquire or bolster their “personality brand,” and create considerable movement within their organizations. .
- Peg Wright, CEO, The Center For Great Expectations. Ruth Sherman Public Speaking Course & Presentation Skills Training | Ruth Sherman.