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Topical Application of Tazarotene

28 february 2024

Topical Application of Tazarotene

The topical application of tazarotene, a class of drugs called retinoids, has been shown to reduce signs of photodamage in clinical and histological studies. It is an anti-inflammatory and normalizes cellular changes underlying photodamage to improve the appearance of the skin. Tazarotene is a potent tretinoin and has been shown to be a highly effective treatment of aging skin and photodamage. (Kang, Krueger et al 2005)

Retinoids work by speeding up the process of your cells producing new skin, decreasing inflammation and unclogging blocked pores. They are usually prescribed for conditions such as acne and psoriasis. They can also be used to help with a condition called keratosis pilaris, where small bumps or spots of red scaly patches appear on your skin, most commonly over your elbows and knees but also on your arms and lower back.

You should not use tazarotene cream uk on your face if you have any open wounds or other health problems, including cancer or diabetes. It should be used with sunscreen and other sun protection measures. You should not take tazarotene cream uk for longer than your doctor prescribes, as it could damage your skin. This medication is not recommended for pregnant women, as it contains a type of drug called a retinoid that can harm a developing baby. Your doctor will do a pregnancy test before you start taking tazarotene cream uk to make sure that you are not pregnant. If you become pregnant while you are using tazarotene cream uk, tell your doctor immediately.tazarotene cream uk