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LG Hong Chang-ki, ‘Retake First Place in Batting’

30 september 2023

LG Hong Chang-ki, ‘Retake First Place in Batting’

  • ‘Retake First Place in Batting’ LG Hong Chang-ki “I Will Try my Best”

Ranked first with a batting average of 0.340 with 3 hits in 5 at-bats against SSG... ‘1 league difference’ with 2nd place Son Ah-seop

LG Twins' assault captain Hong Chang-gi (29)'s bat is getting hotter toward the end of the season. 바카라사이트

Hong Chang-gi played a big role in the SSG Landers match held at Jamsil Stadium in Seoul on the 16th with 3 hits in 5 at-bats, 3 RBIs, and 3 runs, leading the team to a 10-4 victory.

In the first inning, the leadoff hitter got on base, succeeded in stealing his 20th base of the season, and reached home. In the fifth inning, he called Park Hae-min home with a timely hit with two outs and two on second base.

And he hit a timely hit in the 6th inning, which allowed the score to go back to 3-4, with a 2-run comeback.

After the game, Hong Chang-ki said, "I go in thinking that I will solve it when the opportunity comes.

He said, “It’s because he created a lot of opportunities in the 7th, 8th, and 9th batting order.”

Hong Chang-ki’s batting pace dropped for a while at the end of last month, but he is hitting hard with a batting average of 0.478 in September. With

today’s game, his season batting average rose to 0.340. He regained first place in the league batting average, beating Son Ah-seop (NC Dinos, 0.339).

Hong Chang-gi said, "I'm not really thinking about becoming the batting king, but since I don't know what will happen until the end, I'll give it a try."

He added, "When I met senior Park Yong-taek, he jokingly said, 'Do it when you can.'

It's something I have to do well."

Currently, Hong Chang-gi ranks first in three batting categories, including batting average, runs scored (99 points), and on-base percentage (0.454).

He may not have won the league's Most Valuable Player (MVP) award, but his performance is good enough to be considered a candidate.

Hong Chang-gi said, "(Roh) Si-hwan hits really well, and (Eric) Peddy throws really well, so I don't even think about it.

Home runs, RBIs, and being a starting pitcher have a big impact."

However, he said, “I think we can compare then (if we hit 200 hits in the season).”

With this win, league leader LG Twins widened the gap with second-place KT Wiz to six games and advanced toward a direct ticket to the Korean Series.

Hong Chang-gi expressed his gratitude, saying, "The team atmosphere is really good.

The older guys are really good at supporting me.

All the juniors have to do is follow along."