Choices in shower wall panel systems can be overwhelming. These systems are accessible in different sizes, surfaces, hues, budgets for finishing styles extending from customary to contemporary to try and cool new styles like Present day Farmhouse. However, the determination procedure is overpowering. It very well may be easy to pick a best shower panel system if you have boundless assets – however, the vast majority of us don't fall into that classification. So in this article I will likely handle 5 ensured traps (or procedures) to enable you to pick shower wall panels without busting your budget (or making your children return all their Christmas gifts so you can manage the cost of this bathroom rebuild.
Step #1 – Decide your budget for shower panels-
If you don't have the foggiest idea about your budget for shower wall panels you can squander a ton of time (and get bogus any expectations of a cool system you'd love, but is way out of your budget). Realizing the general value purposes of the wall systems will spare your time. If you have a tight budget (in the $200 to $400 territory) minimal effort off the rack fiberglass panels or FRP panels from your nearby home focus are best. Truly – these panels are shabby, but if you're simply going to flip the house (and it's not in the best neighborhood anyway) – the shoddy way may be the best way (despite the fact that it torments me to state this).
For a mid-valued budget (in the $900 to $1,700 territory) the choices get much better. One alternative is acrylic wall panels. They are sparkling and easy to clean, but not the most lavish looking. Another choice is enlivening artificial stone wall panel line, refined stone wall panels or overlaid wall panels. Both of these lines make fun takes a gander at a really decent cost and the installation procedure is basic (especially with the overlay panels since they come in 2′ x 8′ sheets which snap, lock and seal together like tongue and furrow flooring).
Step # 2 – Measure twice, shop once-
Some systems (like cheap fiberglass panels) are just accessible in standard sizes (like 60 x 32, 32 x 32, 48 x 48 and so forth.). Other different systems (like PVC backed enlivening walls, strong surface, overlaid wall panels and polished acrylic panels) can be tweaked to fit any space. First, it is best to remove all old material before estimating the space. At stud to stud measurements is best (if you can't do this, let your shower wall panel provider recognize what material is right now in the space (so they can 'surmise tomato' what your last genuine size is). At that point measure and make an unpleasant sketch. Take out those systems which don't offer the adaptability to make your space work (out of the store fiberglass and acrylic systems will fall by the wayside if you have a custom size/shape).
Step # 3 – Consider the vision and inside design style of your completed bathroom
While many individuals love the look of tile and common stone – they don't care for the maintenance of grout joints. This reality has expanded the utilization of overlaid, strong surface, acrylic and fiberglass systems where the look of tile or stone is to incorporate with the grout free wall panels. IMHO some of these systems look butt-monstrous (if we're by and large genuine when you take a gander at an acrylic or fiberglass wall panel system with a 'formed stone or tile joint' does it trick you one piece that it is anything but a 'pony wall?).
All in all, how might you get a 'stone-looking' wall which looks reasonable without paying an arm and a leg for it? I'll tell you my first decision is to utilize the covered wall panels. These have the surface of common stone – and furthermore the vibe of a grout joint. Likewise, the cover panels come in dynamic inside design styles like Present day Farmhouse, Current Moderate and Decrepit Chic. You can have 'high style' and great free all in the equivalent relaxes. Beneath you'll find one case of the overlaid shower wall panel system.
Step # 4 – Decide whether you want to DIY
If saving money at the expense of a contractual worker to install your wall panels is basic to make this activity work for your budget, consider utilizing either the shabby fiberglass standard estimated wall panel system (accepting you can utilize a standard size), the PVC backed composite fake stone walls, strong surface or the cover wall panel system. Of all of these I would rank the PVC system and the cover system as the easiest (with the overlay system #1 in light of the fact that the longest wall – the shower back wall – can be installed without hauling up a solitary massive panel into a tight bathroom space).
Step # 5 – Remember the canals
Who can forget the celebrated line if the motion picture The Guardian after the mobsters have made 'the hit' about not forgetting the cannolis. For many, individuals (I've totally incorporated into this) a supper isn't finished without the pastry. On account of shower wall panels – they aren't finished except if you have the shower adornments (specialties, corner racks, and seat seats) to make the shower completely working. All things considered, if you don't have a place to put your cleanser, cleanser or to take a seat and unwind in a shower, what's great is it?
What you'll see isn't all wall panel systems offer a similar expansiveness and profundity of extras. Less expensive systems like fiberglass offer constrained (to no) adornments which are usually incorporated with the wall. With PVC, strong surface shower and covered wall panels you have alternatives. Before purchasing a shower wall panel system dive into what extras you can get. Ensure your shower can be a finished system.