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Why the Automobile Industry Should Make Use of Data Extraction Services in 2019. The world economy suffers uncertainties and crises from time to time, however, there’s one industry that is constantly growing despite all the fluctuations: the automobile industry. The past decade was very successful for the automobile industry, and it’s been growing at rapid rates during the recent years as well. Let’s consider some stats from all over the world.

Global sales are growing at around 2.8% worldwide per year. According to predictions, there will be over 100 million automobiles sold by 2020. Most of the growth will come from China, but North America and Europe are set to see significant growth rates too. And South America is set to outstrip North America and reach a consistent growth rate of 1.7%. But we need to consider that as the industry grows, so do the challenges it faces. Importance of Data Collection in the Automobile Industry Data scraping or web extraction is the process of collecting data from the web. Consumer Preferences User Reviews Market Trends Market Prices.