Senador Virtual - Senado República de Chile. El Video de los Abuelos por la Educación que causa admiración en todo el mundo. La propuesta constitucional del Partido Comunista. Este lunes 14 de septiembre, la dirección del Partido Comunista de Chile se reunió con el Ministro del Interior, Jorge Burgos, para presentar oficialmente la propuesta del PC sobre Nueva Constitución, de cara al inicio del Proceso Constituyente anunciado por el Gobierno para el mes de septiembre.
Propuesta Constitucional de los Comunistas El sistema democrático chileno debe ser representativo y con un sistema multipartidista; el Estado chileno debe tener un carácter plurinacional y multicultural; debe existir un Parlamento con una sola Cámara; el país debe tener una economía mixta y los derechos sociales deben estar garantizados constitucionalmente; debe terminar la doctrina de la “seguridad nacional” y del “enemigo interno” al interior de las Fuerzas Armadas y policiales.
El documento se titula “Una Nueva Constitución. Además, se considera un “sistema multipartidista (que) fomente la cultura política de la población”. Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando... Open Government Data: The Book by Joshua Tauberer. Tecnologie Democratiche. Tecnologie Democratiche - Airesis. Apertura di un confronto democratico sulla funzionalità delle due principali piattaforme E-democracy per lo sviluppo della Democrazia Diretta Mi farebbe piacere che i componenti di TECNOLOGIE DEMOCRATICHE valutassero la possibilità di partecipare ad un confronto "Tecnico - Logico - Procedurale" con i responsabili dell'altra piattaforma di DEMOCRAZIA DIRETTA: PE M5S su Liquid Feedback.
Sono state inserite due identiche proposte nei 2 Gruppi di Airesis: Gruppo di Coordinamento M5S Nazionale (6) Tecnologie Democratiche (1) [Tra () il numero di volontari attualmente disponibili.] al fine di ottenere una composizione di 20 cittadini (utilizzatori/esperti di Airesis) suddivisi equamente tra... Vi chiedo, visto il caso: Jacopo Tolja che è "sparito" da due GRUPPI (volutamente s'intende) se è possibile chiedere ad AIRESIS di "sparire" richiedendolo semplicemente ai responsabili della piattaforma democratica. Come partecipare a questo gruppo. 'Marca tu voto' for a constitutional assembly: Direct democracy in Chile’s 2013 presidential election.
‘Marca tu Voto’ has been accused of being a leftist movement that wants to transform Chile into a Chavez-like political project.
These claims are hotly contested, and 410,000 people marked the first ballot - the biggest instance of political activism since the student protests of 2011. Student protest over low standards in education in Chile. Demotix/Rodrigo Daniel Selles Ferrer. All rights reserved. When Chilean citizens go to vote in the run-off of the presidential election on December 15, thousands are expected to mark the ballot paper with more than their preferred candidate. LiquidFeedback - more than Liquid Democracy. Out in the Open: Occupy Wall Street Reincarnated as Open Source Software. Image: Loomio Benjamin Knight helped run the Occupy camp in Wellington, New Zealand.
It was 2011, when the globe was dotted with camps inspired by Occupy Wall Street, that iconic protest against economic and social inequality. As part of Occupy Wellington, Knight didn’t just camp out on the street. He participated in the daily “General Assembly” meetings, an effort to reach a consensus on a variety of protest issues and ultimately make everyone’s voice heard. He loved the process — when it worked. With the right web software, he thought, it should be possible to give everyone in the group a voice. He knew there had to be a better way. The result was Loomio, an open source web application for making group decisions. There are plenty of tools for having discussions online, ranging from social networks to forums to “idea management” tools like Spigit or even Whitehouse.gov.
The Split Screen The Loomio interface is simple. No Silver Bullet. Out in the Open: Hackers Bring Lawmaking Into the 21st Century. Seamus Kraft, founder of OpenGov Foundation.
Photo: OpenGov Foundation. Have you ever thought you could do a better job writing the laws of our country than those jokers on Capitol Hill? Or have you at least felt the urge to scratch a few lines out of a bill and replace them with something else? Here’s your chance. DemocracyOS. Democracyos.org. Afuera, en el Apertura: Un sitio web de código abierto que le da a los votantes una plataforma para influir en los políticos.
This is the decade of the protest.
The Arab Spring. The Occupy Movement. And now the student demonstrations in Taiwan. Argentine political scientist Pia Mancini says we’re caught in a “crisis of representation.” Most of these protests have popped up in countries that are at least nominally democratic, but so many people are still unhappy with their elected leaders. “If you want to participate in the political system as it is, it’s really costly,” she says. Democracy OS is designed to address that problem by getting citizens directly involved in debating specific proposals when their representatives are actually voting on them. That’s why Mancini started the Net Democracy foundation, a not-for-profit that explores ways of improving civic engagement through technology. Mancini’s dissatisfaction with electoral politics stems from her experience working for the Argentine political party Unión Celeste y Blanco from 2010 until 2012.
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