Slow-Cooked Summer Squash Recipe. Summer Squash and Basil Pasta Recipe. Pasta, no pomodoro. At the risk of sounding as though we’re carb-loading over here—which, actually, now that I’ve typed that, sounds like a pretty tasty thing to do—I present you with my second pasta dish in as many posts.
I’m having a hot summer fling with Italy, but luckily, Brandon doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, I think he’s happy about it. You will be too, when you taste this. The dish in question comes not from a cookbook, magazine, or radio show, or from a personal “Eureka!” Moment at the stove, but rather from a reader comment on this very site. From Abruzzo by way of Italian food authority Giuliano Bugialli and one saintly reader of this website, this recipe will henceforth be a permanent resident of our small home in Seattle. All of which is to say grazie mille, Tony.
Linguine with Fennel & Winter Greens Recipe. Before I get to today’s recipe, I have some exciting news for you – do you remember this trip to Sonoma that I went on a few months ago?
Well now it’s your chance to go on that exact same trip, hosted by the lovely folks at Fortessa. You’ll get to stay at the gorgeous Fairmont hotel, attend cooking class at the original Williams Sonoma Store, and of course have amazing food and wine the whole time. It was tons of fun (click here to enter) my fingers are crossed for you! Now back to the recipe! This pasta is super easy, yet warming and wintery.
I usually want summer to go on forever, but I have to admit that I’m a little tired of the season at this point. I still love the heaps of tomatoes in my garden and sitting on our porch with a cold one at the end of the day (make mine a kombucha please), but our pace has been pretty much non-stop for the last 2 months. Summer has always been a busy time for us, but this year just feels like it’s on another level. Daily meditation and a bunch of my other good habits have been on the back burner for a while now. I had HUGE plans for these warm months–in work and life–don’t we all get like that after the May long weekend, what with the summer bucket lists and whatnot? The heat becomes concerning after a while too.
Mushroom bourguignon. When it is as cruelly cold out as it has been this week, beef bourguignon is one of my favorite things.
If there is anything better than a symphony of onions, carrots, red wine, broth and a scoop of tomato paste simmered for hours, I haven’t met it. I don’t want to meet it. I already know my favorite. Julia Child’s recipe was always my mother’s go-to dish for company and back in the day, the smell of it braising in the oven was enough to get me to reconsider my vegetarianism.
Lemony Summer Squash Orecchiette Recipe. You still have tons of zucchini right?
Easy, Vegan Pasta Primavera. Nutritional information Serves 4 30 minutes or fewer “Sicilians were doing pasta shapes well before everyone else in Italy and creating shapes to go with certain pasta sauces,” explains Giorgio Locatelli, chef at Locanda Locatelli in London and author of Made in Sicily.
Here, firm, chewy shells (conchiglie) stand up to the textures of sautéed vegetables while catching the bright flavors of the lemony sauce. 6 oz. conchiglie or medium pasta shells (2 cups) 3 Tbs. olive oil 2 cloves garlic, minced (2 tsp.) 1 small yellow squash, cut into ¾-inch pieces (8 oz.) 8 oz. asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces (1 ½ cups) 1 Italian frying pepper or 1 small yellow bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces (1 cup) 4 oz. green beans, halved (1 cup) 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 1 small fennel bulb, grated, plus 1 Tbs. chopped fennel fronds 2 Tbs. lemon juice 1 Tbs. chopped fresh mint 1. 2. 3. June 2012 p.33. Linguine with tomato-almond pesto. We are dragging this summer out.
Maybe it’s because as far as I am concerned, it didn’t really start until August, when the bulk of the heat wave was behind us and we willingly ventured outside of our air-conditioned caves again, and when we finally took a little family vacation. Maybe it’s because if it is still summer, the baby is still a baby and not a one year-old toddler as he will be after this weekend.
But it is most likely because we headed down the Garden State Parkway to Exit 0 last weekend for a belated 5 year anniversary mini-vacation without said baby and somehow, well into September, still got sun, sand and freckles. Summer in September? I’ll take it. Despite the fact that the calendar may suggest fall clothes and butternut squash, the markets are still flooded with tomatoes. I made this recipe because a line in the recipe — “If you are Sicilian, become hysterical at the prospect of overcooked pasta. Linguine with Tomato-Almond Pesto [Pesto Trapenese] Adapted from Gourmet.