How to make Pasta Salad - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/pasta-salad/
Now these muffins is just awesome – Coconut Blueberry and Cranberry Muffins to be exact! So my sister and I made lipstick the other day. She found the “recipe” on Pinterest and we decided to give it a try. We ended up in the kitchen until the wee hours of the night concocting lipstick color after color. It was really fun! - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/coconut-blueberry-cranberry-muffins/
I recently took a Thai cooking class and was so excited to learn how to make Coconut Chicken Curry, then I showed up and the menu was completely different than what I was expecting. What was supposed to be on the menu? Curry. What was actually on the menu? Mangoes. And I just so happen to be allergic to mangoes. - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/coconut-chicken-curry/
This the season to eat butternut squash and that means we are also ready for Creamy Butternut Squash Soup . I’m not kidding either. Right around October I start hoarding them. They sit on my counters, in my fridge, in my cabinets and drawers. Okay that might have been an exaggeration, but I do pretty much keep one on hand at all times. So long story short, I love butternut squash. - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/butternut-squash-soup/
Hey guys! Today a fishy alternative – Coconut Milk Poached Salmon. Sorry for the week long hiatus. We are in the process of moving and I’ve barely found time to feed myself much less photograph it. Isn’t it incredible how much crap one can accumulate in 3 years? My sister and I spent the day organizing clothes into “keep” and “donate” piles. - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/coconut-milk-poached-salmon/
Have any of my readers ever heard of Roasted Fig Popsicle’s with Honey and Almonds? This week has been seriously hot. Muggy and in the 90s hot. Lethargic, sticky, unproductive hot. When I get home from work, I fling off my shoes and plop under a fan. - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/fig-popsicles/
Tropical Green smoothies have been a “thing” for quite a while now, but I didn’t get it for the longest time because every recipe I tried tasted just too, well, green. But, I finally found one that tastes like a proper smoothie – cold, creamy and delicious. Your first thought will be “tropical” not “green”. - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/green-smoothie/
Have you ever wished for a snack that was sweet, guilt free AND delicious – introducing Easy fruit Dip? All the time, right? Well my friend, this recipe is exactly what you need. It’s oh so tasty and good for you too! It’s fruit dip! Plus guess what else. Like many of my other recipes, it has very few ingredients. Like, 3. Only three ingredients. Could this day get any better? - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/fruit-dip/
Oh December, how I love you. Besides Christmas and everything that comes with it, I love months that are full of friends and family and of course, food! All the celebrating and sharing of dishes and appetizers new and old definitely gets my recipe-adapting brain going. Between candies and chocolates at work, cookie swaps and family get-togethers, holiday celebrations aren’t always waistline-friendly. - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/white-bean-hummus/
Easy Santa Fe Chowder - How to make Santa Fe Easy Santa Fe Chowder - https://www.onlinefoodblog.com/santa-fe-chowder/