t’s 2019, and hunting around on the internet for answers to your skin woes is second nature to skincare addicts everywhere. However, sometimes you need to go straight to the source for the best information. Dr. Aimee Paik, Apostrophe’s medical director and one of our founding dermatologists, knows her stuff when it comes to maintaining a youthful glow. Luckily for us, she’s created a guide on all things aging and explains why retinoids are key to keeping your skin radiant as you get older. Read buy tretinoin gel 0.1 online to learn more!
Three main culprits contribute to skin damage
Before you can stop skin damage, you have to know what causes it. There are three main causes of skin “aging:” sun exposure, smoking, and time.
The sun wreaks the most havoc on your skin. Termed “photoaging,” the sun causes skin to become coarse, dull, and leathery. The skin thins and loses its elasticity. Wrinkles, irregular hyperpigmentation, and visible blood vessels (telangiectasias, or “spider veins”) follow. UV exposure also causes your pores to dilate4 leading to open comedones, or “blackheads.” Even sun exposure that does not result in burns contributes to photoaging. And don’t be fooled into thinking that tanning beds are an easy way out. Tanning beds cause even more sun damage than the sun itself and have been associated with melanoma, a dangerous type of skin cancer. Worshipping the sun now will come at a cost later.
Smoking leads to the same damaging effects as UV exposure. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced from tobacco smoke are chemically active substances that damage the skin3 and lead to wrinkles and blackheads.
Finally, time alone will also cause the skin to age, but to a lesser extent. You can see its effects most clearly in areas that do not see the sun, the buttocks being the prime site. The skin is smooth and unblemished without discoloration. However, elastic fibers that give skin its bounce slowly degenerate over time leading to a soft and loose appearance.
While we can’t control the passage of time, the good news is the other factors are within our control. There is nothing that dermatologists are more passionate about than sun protection. The sun not only leads to skin cancer, but it causes wrinkles, dilated pores, and dark spots. For this reason, I always recommend wearing sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher every single morning, even on cloudy or rainy days. Sun protection does not end with sunscreen. Other important sun protective measures include wearing wide-brimmed hats, seeking the shade, and avoiding mid-day sun when possible since UV rays are strongest mid-day. Protecting your skin is the best way to keep it healthy and youthful for years to come!