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Charles Thomason

Are you looking to grow your business or not-for-profit? I'm Les McKeown, world-renowned growth consultant, and I can help you achieve sustainable growth using my Predictable Success growth model. Call us today at +1 888.365.6247 to get started.

Profiles that will Dramatically Boost your Business's Growth - How To Make A Profit In Business. Sometimes it’s important to know you know a thing. To grow your business, here are three things you need to know you know. Spend no longer than one minute on each (that gives you about 10 seconds to complete each line below), writing down exactly what comes to mind immediately, then pass your responses to a colleague to review and comment: Your perfect client / customer What are the five things that make (for you) a perfect client or customer? Your Perfect competitor What are the five things that would most make for a fearsome direct competitor? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Your perfect employee What are the five things that an employee must have to ‘fit’ with your organization?

4 Ways Your Strategic Plan May Be Taking You Off Course - How To Sustain A Business | Sustain Business Growth. 3. Behavioral change. When designing a strategic plan, one of the most alluring category errors is to turn it into a sandbox for creating behavioral change. I’ve seen strategic plans that were, once stripped down to their essence, essentially intended to make salespeople more productive, administrators more flexible, or managers more creative.

All well and good, except none of this is strategy. Strategy is what the productive salespeople (or the flexible administrators, or the creative managers) actually do with that productivity, flexibility and creativity. If you have a need for behavioral change somewhere in the organization, stare it down for what it is – a hiring, training, mentoring and coaching issue. Don’t confuse it with a strategic plan, which should be predicated on competence to begin with. 4. That restiveness most often showed itself in a spate of redecorating. I see business leaders do the same. So take a look at your strategic plan for this year, and ask yourself: Sure, you can grow – but can you scale? - Growth vs Scaling | Predictable Success. If you have a successful business, then you know how to grow – after all, that’s what initial success in business is: finding a profitable, sustainable market, and steadily increasing your share of that market.

But there comes a time in the evolution of every business when selling more isn’t enough. At some point, the mathematics of growth begin to break down, and simply doing more of what you’ve done before brings increasingly diminishing returns. The reason for this is straightforward: Growth brings complexity (more products, more locations, more people, more everything…), and for a smaller, growing business, complexity drains profitability. At this point, the answer to every problem up to now – simply selling more – makes the problem worse: More sales brings even more complexity, which drives down profitability even further.

The answer is as simple as the problem is obvious: put systems and processes in place that allow the organization to scale. 1. As a consequence two things happen: 2. Scale Your Business | How to Unlock Success - Look Up(stream) The nature of my role means that most of the calls and emails I receive are from founders and leaders looking for a way to jump-start their organization, division, department, project, group or team's growth. Here, in no particular order, are the five most common reasons they give me for calling or emailing in the first place: General economic headwinds;Tired product or service line;Change in market demographics;Negative effect of recent technological or legislative change;New or revived competition in the marketplace.

And here, in ranked order, are the three most common reasons our work together identifies as the actual barrier to growth or higher performance: In other words, the majority of leaders spend too much time, money and energy trying to change the symptoms of stalled growth when they should be looking upstream, at the causes. Here are three indicators that you need to shift your perspective upstream, and concentrate on your top team (including yourself!) 1. 2. 3. How To Scale A Business | The 10 Questions that Will Determine Your Organization’s Future.

As we've all learned (painfully) in recent years, we're currently in an economic cycle that requires openness to change and reinvention for any organization to survive, let alone thrive. Put simply, what at one point looked like an unforeseeable 'black swan' event became, in fact, just the precursor to a sea change in how we have to think about attaining sustainable growth. All easier said than done, of course. And even more easily done if it were all to happen in a vacuum, or if you could stop time, or if you could just take your business or not-for-profit 'into the garage' and retool it. But the reality is that you need to somehow do it while continuing to run a complicated organization. Rethinking how you grow is a bit like trying to swap out the engines on an airplane while you're flying it - I'm sure that somehow, some way, it's do-able, but it would take an incredible feat of engineering, let alone enormous bravery and superhuman focus.

How do they do it? Truth be told, it is. 1. 2. The 10-Step Roadmap to Growing ANY Business or Not-for-Profit: Business Growth Workshop. Business Growth Strategies | The 4 Factors of Growthiness* | Predictable Success.