> Riyajain77
Banana Smoothie: A Super Easy Banana Smoothie Recipe. Banana Smoothie is undoubtedly the best base recipe in which one can add on as many ingredients as preferred which requires even less than 5 minutes time to be served on the table.
What else? Yes, that acts as the perfect drink for breakfast or snack as you might have known! The basic smoothie recipe calls for only four simple ingredients: 1.
Blueberry Smoothie: A Super Easy Blueberry Smoothie Recipe. For an extremely delicious and easy breakfast or snack to be served within 5 minutes of a busy morning, smoothies seem to be the best part to start a day.
And this utterly simple recipe draws your attention to a bunch of frozen blueberries, one banana, some vanilla yogurt, and juice extracted from apple that can be just blended and poured into a glass. And that’s all it demands! Seasonings If you don’t have apple juice, for some neutral flavour base you can also try a wholesome of other substituents to mesmerize you with the bland essence- • Juice sourced from White grape • Almond milk • Coconut milk • Skimmed dairy milk or 1% of any milk Also, vanilla yogurt can be replaced with other complementary tangs like that of blueberry or mixed berry yogurt.
Note: However, if you are sourcing Greek yogurt then be sure about its protein content, which is usually more than standard yogurt. And what about giving the soothe a healthy twist? • Chia seeds • Protein powder • Spinach • Flax seeds 1.
Watermelon Smoothie: A Super Easy Watermelon Smoothie Recipe. The essence of a smoothie overwhelmingly lies in the creamy texture of fruits that demands everyone’s attention in being sipped up with a straw.
And apart from being a true bliss, the drink has even gone beyond standard obsession being ethereal in its smooth texture, juicy refreshment, enticing flavour blended with utter simplicity. With only four ingredients and five minutes of prep, this watermelon smoothie is all about a magical potion in the summer to be served at least once every day, which imparts the feeling of turning on baby unicorn inside every soul who likes to jump through a crystal clear waterfall! Tips 1. Take a watermelon and, slice it up in chunks. 2. 3. Not, the longer you wait, the more the icy pulpy parts will start to rise to the top of the glass putting the juice at the bottom.
Mango Smoothie: A Super Easy Mango Smoothie Recipe.
Mango smoothie is mostly a summer recipe.
But nowadays no fruit is really seasonal. You can always buy frozen mangoes from store to make this delicious smoothie anytime at home. Obviously, seasonal fresh mangoes make the drink tastier and healthier as well. This is a super easy recipe made using mangoes, obviously and a handful of easy ingredients. The best part is you can make this drink completely dairy-free and sugar-free. Ingredients 1.
Avocado Smoothie: A Super Easy Avocado Smoothie Recipe. We all are aware of the goodness of avocados.
Avocados are cholesterol-free and contain nearly 20 vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, potassium, folate, and B vitamins. One serving of avocado can easily give you eight percent of the daily value for fiber. Avocados contain the least amount of sugar. Over 75% of the fat in avocados is the unsaturated heart-healthy kind which we call good fats. Often some of the saturated fat in one’s diet is replaced with avocado. No wonder an avocado smoothie will be as rich as the fruit itself. Ingredients 1 Frozen banana (the riper the sweeter) 2 ½ Avocado 3 ½ cup milk (dairy-free or almond milk) 4 Greek Yogurt 5 Honey/maple syrup 6 Lemon juice 7 Ice (optional) How to make it?
We suggest our readers to use dairy-free milk but it best to use any nut milk, especially almond milk. Add ons 1.
Strawberry Smoothie: A Super Easy Strawberry Smoothie Recipe. We always crave for something relaxing to soothe our souls in hectic lifestyles.
Something that will not harm the health much yet will lighten up the soul. Looking for a suitable answer? Strawberry smoothie is your solution to the problem. In a lazy afternoon when guests visit suddenly, it can surely be your go-to drink!
Strawberry Banana Smoothie: A Super Easy Strawberry Banana Smoothie. Smoothies are the quickest healthiest snack we can come across.
They are easy to make, loaded with fresh fruits, and absolutely filling. You can store them up to a few days so it saves a lot of time in your busy schedule. The best part of the smoothies is that you can be creative with the recipes whilst you are getting healthy. We already gave you a nice and quick idea of making Strawberry Smoothie. Now something extra to that, a ripe frozen banana!
A Strawberry Banana Smoothie is undoubtedly one of the best breakfast recipes ever! Ingredients 2 cups of frozen Strawberries 1 Banana, fresh or frozen 1 cup Milk 1/2 cup plain Yogurt 2 tsp Honey Ice We prefer using frozen Banana because that makes the Smoothie creamier. How do you make it? Cut the strawberries into two halves and save in the freezer.
Add ons Add more juices of your choice.
SMOOTHIE TYPES, RECIPES, BENEFITS AND HOW YOU CAN DO IT. Smoothies are commonplace among healthy living enthusiasts and most surprisingly smoothies are very easy to make but more importantly smoothies is good for everyone. You may wish to include in your recipe fruits and veggies, you make also want to feel like a pro and then you whip up more ingredients in order to get that delicious blend. This is why there is no doubt that smoothies have become a regular feature on menu item at even fast-food joints everywhere you go—but the truth is that not all smoothies are created the same way.