Cocaine effects: why this ‘recreational’ drug is anything but harmless. The NRL is locked down in crisis meetings tonight as the cocaine scandal savages the game, with five Gold Coast Titans, including Greg Bird and David Taylor, facing the sack before the season kicks off More videos available at the News video hub The West Indies' Chris Gayle came close to disaster several times in his epic double century innings.
The NRL has assumed ownership of the Gold Coast Titans after the club was placed into administration. Chris Gayle has written himself into the record books with a staggering 215 off 147 balls, the highest ever in a World Cup match, against minows Zimbabwe. Former West Indies captain Brian Lara says Chris Gayle's epic double century against Zimbabwe 'couldn't have come at a better time' for the West Indies leading into their big World Cup clashes against South Africa and India. New Jersey have recorded their first four-game winning streak in two years with a 3-0 win against Arizona. Four Aussies were in action in Utah's 90-81 win over San Antonio. Grim execution awaits Bali Nine Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. Indonesia plans to execute the Bali Nine pair Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan together.
More videos available at the News video hub Alex Malarky whose tale of dying and going to heaven has admitted that he made the whole thing up A Victorian motorist has captured the moment huge trees fell across the road on the Black Spur during a strong wind storm. Courtesy Ron Cooper Police in Sao Paulo fire tear gas on demonstrators protesting a recent hike in bus fares.
Manus Island hunger strikes continue as detainees vow not to give up protests. Protests continue on Manus Island, with detainees vowing not to give up their protest, and the government equally unbowed they must be resettled in PNG.
Some men in the detention centre have been refusing food and water since Tuesday and are dangerously unwell. International Health and Medical Services (IHMS) staff on the island have converted the staff mess hall into an overflow emergency medical centre. More than 100 men from Mike compound, where the hunger strike started on Tuesday, are now under medical care, most from severe dehydration. Where is the poverty line? Globalised slavery: how big supermarkets are selling prawns in supply chain fed by slave labour – video. BEFORE THEY PASS AWAY. The purity of humanity exists.
It is there in the mountains, the ice fields, the jungle, along the rivers and in the valleys. Jimmy Nelson found the last tribesmen and observed them. He smiled and drank their mysterious brews before taking out his camera. He shared what real people share: vibrations, invisible but palpable. Fixed Race. Fixed Race.
Cans: recycling with a Spanish twist – video. I Kiribati man seeks status as climate change refugee in NZ - RN Drive. Deep sea riches could spark Pacific mining boom - Background Briefing. Ann Arnold: The global mining industry is heading for a sea change; mining the deep blue.
Julian Malnic: This is an entire frontier of supply for man. We've only explored a tiny little bathroom tile of the area that we've got. Study links low birthweight to air pollution and traffic. Exhaust fumes.
Photograph: Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images Babies born to mothers who live in areas with air pollution and dense traffic are more likely to have a low birthweight and smaller head circumference, according to a large European study. More than 90% of people in European cities breathe dangerous air, study finds. More than 90% of people living in European cities breathe air that the UN's World Health Organisation says leads to respiratory problems, heart disease and shortened lives, according to a study published on Tuesday.
But because EU legal limits or targets for some pollutants still lag well behind UN recommendations, most countries have been able to downplay the hazards of dirty air despite evidence that it leads to 430,000 shortened lives in Europe every year and costs governments tens of billions of pounds in hospital admissions. Stop stop-and-search and I might start helping you. Policeman in police car sees me in my car.
I see policeman seeing me in my car. Policeman sees me seeing him seeing me in car. He tails me. We play mirror tennis. He flashes his blue light. Genetically Modified Organisms. GM crops: is opposition to golden rice wicked? Sally Brooks, a York University social researcher specialising in international development, technological change in agriculture and food policy, spoke to me about her research into golden rice.
For those who want to do some background reading, Brooks conducted a study on the lessons to be learned for biofortification projects from the golden rice experience. Brooks said the technology still required an enormous amount of research to be done in order to be able to assess its potential to save lives. Notably, she said the main obstacles that lie in front of the science were not the anti-GM lobby or regulation, but the simple technical difficulty of producing the crop. She said yesterday was not the first time Owen Paterson had referred to the golden rice project's moral imperative. In a Radio 4 Today Programme interview in June this year, Paterson said: "Over the last 15 years … every attempt to deploy this golden rice has been thwarted.
She is however a little out of date. HOW TO DESTROY THE WORLD 'food' Richest nation but poverty increasing. UnitingCare is calling for an increase in the Newstart allowance to help tackle poverty rates. Source: AAP AUSTRALIANS may be the richest people in the world but new research shows the number of people struggling below the poverty line is increasing. Only days ago a Credit Suisse 2013 Global Wealth Report revealed the median wealth of adult Australians stood at $233,504.
Median wealth is the midpoint between richest and poorest. But UnitingCare research released on Saturday paints a different picture and reveals Australia's poverty rate has increased since 2000/01 from 10.2 per cent to 11.8 per cent. Australia town bans bottled water. Australian tree-sitter ends 15-month protest after bushfire. 7 March 2013Last updated at 05:30 ET Miranda Gibson spent over 450 days up the tree An anti-logging campaigner in Australia who spent 15 months living up a tree has been forced down by a bushfire.
Miranda Gibson held her vigil on a platform attached to a 400-year-old eucalyptus tree 60m (190ft) above the ground. The teacher, protesting against the logging of native Tasmanian forests, vowed to continue her campaign. She decided to come down after police and her support crew warned her about the dangers posed by a nearby bushfire. "It is disappointing to come down under these circumstances," Ms Gibson said. Horizons - Energy. Horizons - Mass Mobility. Whilst the desire to explore is age-old, the ability to pick up sticks and move across the world or even one’s own country, is now moving within the easy grasp of perhaps billions .... more people. Congestion is already costing the world’s biggest cities billions of dollars a year and the problem will get worse with the percentage of the population living in urban areas set to jump from half to 70 per cent by 2050.
Before Ford’s Model T car became popular, most people in the USA didn’t travel more than 25 miles from their home. The car enabled a kind of democracy of transport. Relatively ordinary people could suddenly move beyond their small town and explore communities and ideas beyond their home. LeunigVHp.jpg (JPEG Image, 470x332 pixels) Pic-Leunig-globalisation. Learning English - Words in the News - Australia debates nuclear waste. Learning English - 6 Minute English - Global waste: food for thought.