Child welfare and volunteering. A new guide for turning good intentions into effective results. Volunteer junkie. This article was written for the Leicester press just before our recent social at Leicester University.
Do you think volunteering in the developing world is something just for young people? If so, you should talk to Yvonne Coulson! Yvonne, who lives in Lutterworth, is 77 years old and has been volunteering. Trade not aid – we need your business skills. By Sallie Grayson.
Filed in project background, project news | “trade not aid” we hear this all the time from so many development experts but what does it mean? The damage done when volunteers don’t name and shame. I listened to a short radio article yesterday on the BBC 4 consumer programme ‘You and Yours‘ – it’s about 40 minutes in.
It was very disappointing. A young medical student called Savannah recounted a disturbing story about “a large sending organisation” that had placed her in poor accommodation and at a challenging project with no support – I think the interview was about 4 minutes. It did nothing but sensationalise – it was prurient in its sensationalisation of what sounded like a horrid and worrying experience for the volunteer (and by inference her co-volunteers). This was not the fault of the volunteer or the journalist, Phillipa Jacks, who was also being “interviewed”– the time she had was less than a minute. Please don’t let negative press put you off volunteering. Supporting people in developing countries – a video presentation. By Sallie Grayson.
Filed in articles by people and places, good and bad practice, responsible giving, volunteers' fundraising | Dianne, our Volunteer Programme Adviser, has made a number of presentations about how to volunteer responsibly – here is one that she recently gave … and it’s not a sales pitch for people and places – rather a guide to the challenges of making sure you do more good than harm when you volunteer or donate.
Dianne discusses building projects, wealth creation projects, education – as well as why it’s so important to avoid orphanages, and what alternatives are available to volunteers and donors. To campaign or not to campaign … Dianne by volunteer programme advisor Dianne Ashman As you will know, there are two connecting strands to the work.
Dianne visits our Cambodia volunteer projects – old and new. Dianne by Dianne Ashman, volunteer programme advisor As I write this article I am right at the end of my latest trip, to visit our projects in Cambodia.
I was last here in 2011 working with Michael, founder of ConCERT who are our local partners here. On the ‘tips for volunteers’ sheet Michael and I compiled in 2011 he asked that volunteers bring a jar of Marmite with them as he and his family love it and it’s hard to get hold of here, so on my arrival at Siem Reap airport I was not at all surprised to see someone holding up a large sign saying The temples at Angkor Wat just outside Siem Reap are now the most popular tourist attraction in the world, and tourism has had a massive impact on the size and prosperity of Siem Reap. Volunteers’ social meeting – November 12th – are you coming ? By Kate Stefanko.
Filed in local partners, social meeting | We all enjoy our volunteers’ social meetings – a lot – and November meetings are especially popular because one or more of our local partners is usually here in the UK and are able to come along and join us. This year, we’re delighted to announce that both Adama Bah from The Gambia and Michael Horton from Cambodia will be here in Faversham! Adama Bah Michael Horton Date & Time: Saturday 12th November – 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
PeopleandplacesWinter%20newsletter%202015. Volunteer in a learning centre near Kruger National Park. We are thrilled to announce that we are now working with a very special programme in South Africa.
Here is what Dianne wrote about it after her visit. Good Work Foundation, led by their CEO Kate Groch, have set up Digital Learning Centres in four different rural communities, with a fifth due to open next year. They believe that traditional education methods are failing people in rural communities, largely due to enormous class sizes and overcrowded, poorly resourced schools. Their aim is to set up ‘Centres of Excellence’ for these rural communities, leapfrogging traditional teaching methods and jumping straight into the digital age. Volunteer primary pre school Swaziland. Written by Dianne our volunteer programme advisor ( and retired teacher ).
Dianne Are you a primary school or pre-school teacher, or classroom assistant? Maybe you help in a local primary school or pre school group. If so, and if you are considering doing some volunteering during 2016, please read on to find out more about this project. During September I went to volunteer with our project in Swaziland, to work with our local partners at the six Neighbourhood Care Points (NCPs) they support. A Care Point. Slideshare people and places. Should I volunteer abroad ? By kate.
Filed in media, people and places in the news, volunteering in the news | just re-read an article about ‘voluntourism’ (a word I do not like!) In the World Travel Guide … actually rather proud … “Kate Stefanko, Placement Director at People and Places, … thinks volunteering abroad can be beneficial to all concerned if it is done right. We believe that a carefully placed, thoroughly screened, well-prepared, skilled volunteer can – and does – have a positive impact,” says Stefanko. Volunteer travel organisers Sallie and Adama talk about change. Student riots south africa. Autumn 2015 PDF(1) Orphanage volunteering - NO. By kate. Filed in good and bad practice, media, volunteering in the news | astonishing … just as we clicked ‘publish’ on our previous post about “orphanage volunteering“ … we received the following enquiry about a placement: “Citizenship: United StatesCategory: Volunteer AbroadTerm: WinterAge: 34Desired Program: OrphanagesDuration: 2 weeks max this winter” We responded politely and fully, explaining why this is a BAD IDEA … Here are some of the links we sent: orphanage volunteering – the issues Cambodia campaign site.
Happy friendship day to all our volunteers and partners abroad. By Sallie. Filed in Uncategorized | and we just want to say thankyou and what better way than this – some wise words and our favourite photo (courtesy of The Kugler Family) Nigel tell his story - 3 times a volunteer abroad. Nigel has been volunteering with us, using his practical skills for 8 years! Here is is story….by him … Volunteer projects abroad news. The Gambia. Nepal volunteer work permit and visa.
By Sallie. Volunteer Dot Coupe story Nepal earthquake. Dot Coupe was visiting Naxal Orphanage when the earthquake struck – instead of dashing home she stayed – here is her story. (please note we have not been sending volunteers to Naxal for a number of years – but we are aware that many previous volunteers still support this wonderful organisation – thankyou) Here is Dot’s story Dot with some of the children from Naxal This has been the most eventful trip that I have made to Occed Nepal Children’s Home.
Returned volunteers & their fantastic support. We’re so proud of what is achieved by our volunteers – and if you’ll pardon a bit of ‘blowing our own trumpet’, we’re also proud of the way we work together towards their individual and collective achievements! We’re obviously doing something right … once volunteers have worked in their very first placement with us, they trust ‘people and places’ and our local partners to match them with appropriate and rewarding placements again.
Volunteer project in Morocco - people and places. Congratulations to Kate and Harold. Volunteering in projects abroad: how to do it well. Good news from Nepal - 'ban on new orphanages' The Guardian - positives & negatives of 'voluntourism' Travel People and Places - responsible volunteering – matching your skills to community needs. Volunteer nepal earthquate donations and news. As promised, we are writing an update to our blog post on 27th April News is still very sketchy as you can imagine - but below is the latest we have and also details of how you can donate - - if you wish - thanks to all of you who have asked.
Nepal earthquake disaster news for volunteer abroad customers. Volunteering can be life-changing - not always a cliché. Volunteering can be life-changing - not always a cliché. Why did we volunteer to teach in South Africa. I was not made to feel like a 67-year-old retiree. Who thought this was a good idea? Volunteer teacher makes a difference in Kenya. Not all volunteers are teachers or health care workers. Volunteers Bob & Margaret - 2nd week in a township school. When a volunteer wonders what she has achieved ... NEW volunteer abroad in Peru rainforest. I decided to volunteer again with people & places because you are a truly responsible company. "Should I volunteer abroad?" - an article we contributed to. Volunteer wants "to work where I can be of most assistance"
Leading volunteer organisation demonstrates best practise. Volunteer programme news. People and places write in volunteer travel publication. Calabash - partners in the South Africa volunteer programme. Children belong in families - the work of this community project. Volunteer teacher Nicki pitches in in Cambodia. People and places volunteer more seasoned. Why we work with people and places volunteer programme. Our local partner in South Africa talks about why he chose to work with our volunteer programme. Volunteers work so hard. Volunteers - variety is the spice of life. Best blogs for volunteers. Great news from teacher volunteer Richard. Jungle Dad leaves the MLC. Gap years:Voluntourism – who are you helping?Daily Telegraph. Why do you want to volunteer ? Responsible volunteering,volunteer,skill sharing,questions. Crees volunteers – all together. What are we doing to make volunteer travel & voluntourism better.
Ethical corporation how much? Child protection issues vitally important for volunteer travel. Volunteer Godfrey in Cambodia. Why do you want to volunteer ? Volunteer Nigel`s update on his placement in Peru. Orphanage volunteer cambodia scam. Www.travel-peopleandplaces.co.uk/userfiles/files/SPRING NEWS FROM PEOPLE AND PLACES.pdf. People and places volunteer abroad work recommended. Cameras have been busy at W B Tshume School, Port Elizabeth. Volunteer update south africa people and places.
People and places on panel at responsible travel conference. Volunteer Pam - first post from Peru. Why dont volunteers voluntourists do thier research. 'Imagine' a volunteer's music lesson in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Volunteers in Kenya celebrate valentines day. Want to volunteer in South Africa – look at these price reductions! Travel People and Places - responsible volunteering – matching your skills to community needs. So I am off to Peru! Time for change volunteer projects abroad.
No January Sales here. Another positive outcome of volunteering. There have been many tributes to Nelson Mandela. Season's greetings from Emmanuel, South Africa. That Sallie Grayson gets everywhere – with Kate Stefanko of course! Two big thankyous – to two special volunteers. People and places suspend Nepal Volunteer Abroad Programme. Volunteer abroad - campaigning recogonised. A month of achievements. Volunteering is really effective. Volunteer Michael - triathlete and fundraiser. Adama graduates. Successfully using volunteers' expereince & interests.
We are so proud to be part of this…. People and places international awards responsible volunteering.