Related: words, linguistics, semantics and semiotics
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Language investigation ideas. BBC Radio 4 - The Life Scientific, Elizabeth Stokoe. The Gender Genie. A2 Coursework. Step-by-step advice on how to do well Of the three A2 modules , one is coursework.
It will assess your ability to plan, carry out and present an investigation into an aspect of English Language of your choice. The module is worth 30% of the A2. The Investigating Language coursework folder consists of one piece of work - a write-up of your investigation. The investigation must consist of the following ten sections: IntroductionAimsHypothesis (hypotheses?)
The folder is marked as one piece of work (each section is not separately assessed), on the following criteria: You can choose any aspect of English Language you like. Choose a topic which you are interested in as you will be working with it for quite some time, and it will involve a lot of work.choose something original - tabloids/broadsheets and other 'obvious' topics have been done to death.be very specific. Some ideas for topics you could investigate are: You should describe: Data collection: Data processing: Analysis: You should: E.g. Projects for GCE English Language. List compiled by Dick Hudson last changed 24 October 2003 The following are some projects which have been carried out successfully as part of A-level English Language during the last few years.
This list is in a provisional format with the projects simply listed as they reached me, in packets contributed by various members of the EngLang mailing list. Where possible, I've provided a mailing address for the contributor in case you want more information. I haven't tried to standardise the format, or even to check for duplicates.
Sophie's Desk - A Level English help. Aims of a language investigation This guide is meant to help you to understand what is required in a Language Investigation and to choose, plan and organise your investigation.
A language investigation: can explore any area of language from the prescribed list on the left must be based on original language data which you collect and analyse must be around 1500 words long (no more than 10% over) The investigation is designed to develop your skills as an independent and original language researcher. You will learn how to: Assessment An investigation is marked using the grid which covers Assessment Objectives 1, 2, and 3.
AO1: 10 marks. A2 Language Investigation Coursework Ideas. Taylor. Radio 4 The Listening Project - Home. What can we learn from children's writing? 30 May 2013Last updated at 20:45 ET A BBC Radio 2 short story competition aimed at children up to the age of 13 has had 90,000 entries.
It's an exercise in creativity but the words they used have also been put into a database which gives us an insight into the way they think. Every one of the 40 million words from the story-writing competition has been collated and analysed by lexicographers at the Oxford University Press, in order to monitor and track children's language. It is the third edition of the 500 Words competition, organised by the Chris Evans Breakfast Show, and the second year the OUP has analysed the entrants.
Here are some of the findings. Kids write "mum" more than "dad" Mums may get more mentions but dads are portrayed as action men The most common word of all was "mum" - or some variation of it, such as "mam" or "mar" - with a total of 115,627 mentions. "Dad" trailed behind, only just scraping into the top 15 most common words, with about half of the mentions of "mum". Concordle - Not so pretty cousin of Wordle.