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Código de ética del turismo

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LEY 679 DE 2001 Colombia. UNWTO Code of Ethics for Tourism becomes an International Convention. The member States of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) approved today a historical document – the UNWTO Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics.

UNWTO Code of Ethics for Tourism becomes an International Convention

The Convention, approved at the 22nd UNWTO General Assembly transforms the Code of Ethics for Tourism into an international convention, the first in the life of the Organization. The Convention covers the responsibilities of all stakeholders in the development sustainable tourism, providing a framework that recommends an ethical and sustainable modus operandi, including the right to tourism, the freedom of movement for tourists and the rights of employees and professionals. “In an interconnected world where the business volume of tourism equals or even surpasses that of oil exports, ‎food products or automobiles, it is important to set out a legal framework to ensure that growth is dealt with responsibly and that it can be sustained over time.

"Historical moment" as tourism ethics code becomes a convention - The "Good Tourism" Blog. The mem­ber states of the United Nations World Tour­ism Organ­iz­a­tion (UNWTO) have approved the UNWTO Frame­work Con­ven­tion on Tour­ism Eth­ics.

"Historical moment" as tourism ethics code becomes a convention - The "Good Tourism" Blog

This is based on the Glob­al Code of Eth­ics for Tour­ism (PDF 787 KB) and is, accord­ing to a UNWTO press release upon which this post is based, the first inter­na­tion­al con­ven­tion ini­ti­ated by the UNWTO. The Con­ven­tion cov­ers the respons­ib­il­it­ies of all stake­hold­ers in the devel­op­ment of sus­tain­able tour­ism, provid­ing a frame­work that recom­mends an eth­ic­al and sus­tain­able mod­us operandi, includ­ing the right to tour­ism, the free­dom of move­ment for tour­ists, and the rights of employ­ees and professionals. Lamy was appoin­ted chair of the WTCE in 2013. The WTCE presen­ted the Con­ven­tion on Tour­ism Eth­ics to the 22nd UNWTO Gen­er­al Assembly, where it was approved yes­ter­day (Septem­ber 15, 2017). Mapa mental código mundial de ética. Comité Mundial de Ética del Turismo. Código ético mundial. Convencion etica del turismo. Codigo etico mundial turismo. Resumen del código de ética. Codigo etica turismo en Bogota. EXPLICAMOS™ Código de Ética.