Storytime Tips. Reading To Children - Tips & Techniques - "No Rooms For Baby Roo" Neil Griffiths - ELC. Toddler Story Time - Epiphany Library. Reading Picture Books with Children - Megan Dowd Lambert - Google Books. Shake Up Storytime. Storytime is a very rewarding part of the job but like anything it can get repetitive.
Let’s take a look at how to shake up storytime! My coworker and I have the luxury of being able to do a storytime together (The Emily and Ellie Show- cue the music!). This has given us an opportunity to add different aspects to our story time, and do things we are not comfortable doing: for example, adding more apps and technology, using the parachute, and trying to read tandem books. Here are five ideas for how to switch up your storytime and something you can do to experiment. Use unique props Have you ever made a song cube?
What’s the most unique prop you’ve ever used! Tell stories in an unusual way I like telling a story again after reading the story the first time. Episode 34: Storytime – Circulating Ideas. Steve speaks with children’s services librarians about the philosophies and practices of successful storytimes.
Anna Haase Krueger is a children’s librarian, blogger, and reviewer for School Library Journal. You can find her making jokes on twitter as @opinionsbyanna or blogging about library life at Future Librarian Superhero. Anne Clark has been presenting storytimes for 6 years and is known for her creative storytelling including puppets, flannel boards, props, and draw and tell stories. She has been blogging for her entire career at So Tomorrow and has presented at the Michigan Library Association’s Spring Institute conference for youth services librarian on blogging as well as programming ideas for librarians in a time-crunch.
She has also written for Library Media Connection on using Pinterest in a professional capacity. Julie Jurgens is the School Services Coordinator at the Arlington Heights Memorial Library. Amy Koester works at a medium-size branch library in Missouri. The Show Me Librarian: Recent Favorite Story Time Reads. Being a children's librarian in an ever-growing community means a consistently bustling story time schedule, both in the library and for outreach visits.
To keep my material fresh and exciting for me, and thus for the kids I'm reading with, I like to pick new books to share pretty regularly. I've had great success with a handful of books in particular lately, and I wanted to share them with you (in case you're looking for something to save you from reading that same go-to for the millionth time this month). Favorite Interactive Books Don't Push the Button! By Bill Cotter - This silly story is just begging for you to push the big red button. Books You Can Sing. My 16-month-old niece S is obsessed with music.
She goes to a wonderful preschool where they must sing a ton of songs because when you start singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider", it's like the sun just came out after a long winter. Even better if multiple people are singing the same songs together. She seems amazed that we all know HER songs and she loves anything she can dance or move to. My sister-in-law requested books that are songs for Christmas for her this year and I wanted to share what she's loving and what I bought for her. (Kelly, if you're reading this, stop if you want to be surprised!) S already has some favorites. She also has most of Annie Kubler's song books, great choices for their simplicity and the diverse cast of illustrated babies featured in the books. Toddler Storytime: Favourite Read Alouds - Jbrary.
Fingerplays & songs pwpl.