Smart Meters Won’t Save You a Penny (But They Can Spy On You and Fry Your Brain) Life without electricity.
Hard to imagine, eh? Just a few hours of no power is enough to make you realize how dependent we are on the juice. In our day-to-day lives, electricity is almost considered a guarantee. But the reality is that our power grid is more fragile than most Americans think. Almost three-quarters of American transmission lines are 25 years old. And absolutely nothing has changed since 2003, when 50 million northeastern Americans lost power for two full days. What’s striking is how easily this particular blackout happened. First, completely predictable high demand in the hot northeastern summer caused a strain.
Second, a few old plants were down for maintenance. Then came the dreaded overgrown tree limb. (Cue the horror movie music…) One limb touched a power line south of Cleveland. Yes, a tree limb did this… A tiny butterfly flapped its wings, and it all crumbled down. That’s not a sign of a very robust grid, now is it? Cyber-terrorism. Whatever the cause… Hundreds of smart meters simultaneously explode. The utilities lied when they said “smart” or “AMI” meters would make the electricity grid “resilient” and “self-healing.”
Nothing could be further from the truth, and this latest episode is more proof of the failure of “smart” meter programs everywhere. Thousands of smart meters in Ontario to be removed over safety worries. In another jolt to Ontario’s troubled smart-meter program, 5,400 of the electricity conservation gauges are being removed due to a risk of fire.
The province’s Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) announced Thursday that Sensus 3.2 smart meters equipped with a remote disconnect feature are affected. “We’re acting out of an abundance of caution,” ESA president and CEO David Collie told reporters at Queen’s Park, noting there are 4.8 million smart meters in Ontario. “This particular meter is in very limited use,” said Collie, noting while there are about 50,000 Sensus 3.2 meters in Ontario, the safety concerns are with only the remote-disconnect models usually installed in seasonal properties, such as trailer parks or summer cottages.
Quebec City firefighters ask Hydro-Québec to leave smart meters alone - Montreal. Quebec City’s fire department says Hydro-Québec has been too quick to remove smart meters from the scenes of fires where faulty wiring may be an issue.
The fire department says the meters are sometimes gone before investigators can look at them to find out whether their wires might have been damaged, which could lead to a short circuit and a fire. “A fire is considered a crime scene and at a crime scene evidence should be left alone,” said France Voiselle, a department spokeswoman. But Patrice Lavoie, a spokesman for Hydro-Québec, said the meters belong to the public utility and the meters don't cause fires. “Media Blackout on Smart Meter Dangers” Wins Project Censored Award. Project Censored’s 2015 Yearbook, Censored 2015: Inspiring We the People (Seven Stories Press, 2014) James Tracy’s story, “Health Impact of RF Radiation: Media Blackout on Smart Meter Dangers,” published at Memory Hole Blog and by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, editor of Global Research, in January 2014, was nominated by student researchers and faculty evaluators working with Project Censored at San Francisco State University and Sonoma State University in spring 2014.
The story was voted into Censored’s Top 25 at Number 14 out of a field of over 230 nominations, alongside a related article, “Two Important New Papers Show Mobile Phone Use Does Cause an Increase in Brain Tumours,” first appearing at power watch.uk.org. Both stories were featured in Project Censored’s 2015 yearbook, Censored 2015: The Top Censored Stories and Media Analysis of 2013-2014, published in October 2014. Tracy’s original January 21, 2014 article is reposted below. By James F. Industry experts: Hackers can now “harm human life” through smart meters.
By K.T.
Weaver, for Take Back Your Power Utilities and the smart grid industry tout only the hypothetical benefits of smart meters, never seriously discussing the tremendous risks and costs to our society. On the subject of cyber security, they hardly discuss it at all. For example, the industry group, so-called “Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative,” addresses the cyber security issue with basic uninformative “happy talk” as follows: Is Cell Tower Radiation Dangerous? To Order Call 866-821-8122 Cellphone Tower Exposure Overview What happens when human population centers are flooded with massive amounts of powerful wireless microwave radiation?
Nobody knows…yet. But we will soon. Harvard Medical Doctor Warns Against Smart Meters. Dr.
David Carpenter MD, a graduate of Harvard Medical School and a physician who has worked in the area of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and public health for over 18 years, has a few choice words for power companies that are forcing smart meters down the throats of their customers all over the United States. Dr. Carpenter adamantly insists that there is no evidence whatsoever that smart meters are in any way safe for human beings. He goes on to say that there is, in fact, ample evidence that demonstrates “convincingly and consistently” that exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at elevated levels for long periods of time increases the risk of cancer, damages the nervous system, and adversely affects the reproductive organs. Dr. The two minute video interview with Dr. » Power Takeover: What’s Wrong With “Smart” Meters? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! Confirmed: Electronic Harassment & Smart Meter Effects. Stop smart. Smart meter rectangle. Smartmeterinvasion.
National Day Of Action Against Smart Meters with Jerry Flynn. Meter. MeshNetwork1. Electro. Baby towers. Chamber, Intrust, Westar biggest Yes Wichita contributors. Intrust Bank, the Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce and Westar Energy were the largest donors to the group that supported the proposed city sales tax, according to campaign finance documents filed with Sedgwick County.
The 1-cent-per-dollar sales tax – promoted as a way to pay for a future water supply, economic development, street repairs and public transit – was defeated by voters 62 percent to 37 percent on Nov. 4. Yes Wichita received donations totaling $321,527 in addition to $56,085.51 of in-kind contributions. The group had about 130 individual and business donors, with the majority of donations $50 or more. “We were who we said we were, a broad-based group of businesses, unions and individuals,” Yes Wichita co-chairman Jon Rolph said. “It was a healthy spend for us and we raised the money pretty quickly.” But with the sales tax defeat, the issues Wichita faces do not go away, Rolph said. “We’re proud of our efforts.
It was the largest donor to the group. Westar, KC Power & Light to seek rate increases in 2015. Westar, KCP&L to seek rate increases in 2015. TOPEKA, Kan.
(AP) - Westar Energy and Kansas City Power & Light will both ask for rate increases in 2015 to recover some of the costs of environmental upgrades at the LaCygne power plant. The Topeka Capital-Journal reports that the companies, which co-own the plant in Linn County, spent $1.2 billion on the upgrades and have recovered about half the costs through previous rate cases. KCP&L filed Friday for a 12.5 percent rate increase for its Kansas customers, saying it wanted an annual revenue increase of $67.3 million. The Kansas City Star reported that besides the La Cygne environmental upgrades, the utility also attributed the request to infrastructure upgrades at the Wolf Creek nuclear power plant. Westar will submit its rate request in March. Cellphone Radiation, Wi-fi Internet Cancer, Cell Phones Health, Electromagnetic Radiation. BUSTED: Smart Meters Emit Constant Microwave Radiation: WUSA9 News. Experts and doctors warn: Pregnant women and children should not be exposed to wireless radiation.
…But we humans are mostly just standing around talking about this, whereas ants and bees are fleeing the field! By Dr. Olle Johansson, Associate Professor, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm | translated from original article on newsvoice.se DEBATE: On July 3, 2014, an international team of doctors, scientific experts, and non-profit organizations called for pregnant women to limit exposure to wireless radiation from cell phones and other devices, by taking simple steps to protect themselves and their unborn children, writes Associate Professor Olle Johansson — whose article SvD (Svenska Dagbladet) and DN (Dagens Nyheter) refused to publish. he information campaign entitled The Babysafe Project is coordinated by The Grassroots Environmental Education and Environmental Health Trust, and is based on independent, scientific research which links exposure to wireless radiation from cell phones during pregnancy to neurological problems and behavioral disorders similar to ADHD/ADD in children.
Smart grid powers up privacy worries - David Perera - POLITICO. The next Big Data threat to our privacy may come from the electricity we consume in our homes. “Smart” online power meters are tracking energy use — and that data may soon be worth more than the electricity they distribute. Story Continued Below The Department of Energy is publishing in January the final draft of a voluntary code of conduct governing data privacy for smart meters, 38 million of which have already been installed nationwide.
The meters gather information about household electricity consumption and transmit it wirelessly at regular intervals to the supplier. It’s a key element in the push for the so-called smart grid, a more efficient way to distribute the nation’s electricity. MICROWAVE WEAPONRY'S USE ON PEOPLE EXPLAINED BY DR BARRIE TROWER. RF Radiation Protection. Harvard Medical Doctor Warns Against Smart Meters. Live Blood Analysis - Observable Effects of RF/MW Radiation via Smart Meters. SmartMeter Action. Photos from Brianna Wellbrock's post - Brianna Wellbrock.
Photos from Brianna Wellbrock's post - Brianna Wellbrock. Take Back Your Power - Award winning documentary director Josh Del Sol. Take Back Your Power: Investigating The "Smart" Grid [documentary] City of Wichita Replaces Water Meters. Powerwatch - Home. Smart Meters: Total Technocratic Control. Smart Meter Shield. Smart-Meter radiation shield.
This Woman’s Death May Confirm All Your Suspicions About Smart Meters. Image source: minicassiavoice Smart meters may be linked to a series of house fires and one death in two Nevada communities, and the fire chiefs of the towns have asked the state Public Utilities Commission to launch an investigation, which it is doing. Reno, Nevada Fire Chief Michael Hernandez and Sparks, Nevada, Fire Chief Tom Garrison say they know of nine fires which could have been caused by smart meters. A 61-year-old woman was fatally burned in one of them, The Reno Gazette-Journal reported. A North Carolina company, Sensus, makes the meters in question. “Based on physical evidence … the Sensus meter cannot be eliminated as the ignition source,” forensic investigator Andrew Thoresen wrote of a blaze that killed Michelle Sherman, 61. PG&E SmartMeters' problems, and how to fix them.
Faulty calibration. A component that shakes loose. Software that accidentally reboots. Pacific Gas and Electric Co. has found a number of reasons why almost 45,000 of its SmartMeters haven't worked as planned. Since last summer, California's largest utility has faced a customer uprising over the meters, which were designed to measure power use with precision and wirelessly transmit their data to PG&E. Angry homeowners have accused the meters of gross inaccuracy, blaming them for monthly bills that in some cases doubled without warning. Smart Meter and Electromagnetic Radiation: Another Health Crisis Of Our Time. You are not legally required to have a smart meter in any region, contrary to what certain agencies may be telling you, yet they are forced upon the population by those who regulate power utility companies.
Based upon a study of 10 autistic cases and 10 normal cases, the pregnant mothers who gave birth to autistic children slept in a location in which microwave radiation was 20.7x HIGHER, on average, than pregnant mothers who gave birth to non-autistic children. In May of 2011, the World Health Organization official recognized that wireless radiation such as emitted by “smart meters” is a possible carcinogen.
How Smart Meters Affect Your Body. Take Back Your Power - Smart Meter Radiation. SmartMetersMurder. PUNITIVE POWER and the 'smart meter' TYRANNY Part 2. Wireless or Not, Smart Meters Harm Your Health. By Diana Ostermann* Diana resides in South Haven, Michigan, and is a retired wireless data strategy manager with 22 years experience. The author has drawn on some material earlier published in an article written by Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle. A link to that work may be found at the end of this article.
SkyVision Solutions … Raising Public Awareness and Finding Solutions to Smart Grid, Smart Meter, and Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation Concerns. Fire after fire after fire. … How much risk is finally too much when the results of failure can be catastrophic? Smart meter overbilling complaints investigated by Hydro-Québec - Montreal. More than 110 municipalities in Quebec are now opposed to "smart" meter deployment. By Jean Hudon | see original post at cqlpe.ca. SOLUTION for BC Hydro's extortive "smart" meter opt-out fees (Nov 2013) How to Opt Out of APS Smart Meters. SkyVision Solutions … Raising Public Awareness and Finding Solutions to Smart Grid, Smart Meter, and Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation Concerns.
After recently reporting on smart meter-related fires in Australia, Canada, Pennsylvania, Oregon, and Florida, the latest reports are coming out of Nevada. This appears to be a continuation of the “Domino Effect” described at this website in late August. What You Can Do » Naperville Smart Meter Awareness. Through a review of the US Energy Policy Act of 2005, the act only issues policy, not mandates, on smart meters. More Westar customers see unusually high electric bills. WICHITA -- More Westar customers are coming forward with electric bills hundreds of dollars higher than usual. KAKEnews first reported last week about a Wichita resident whose balance jumped from $70 to $600. Now, two Maize roommates say the same thing happened to them. In both cases, Westar says their bills skyrocketed because previous bills were estimated too low, due to difficultly getting to the meter. Their latest meter readings reflected the actual usage. But neither household was given notice about the amount, or a reason for it.
When the two people living at 422 East Jones Street in Maize received their electric bill for last month's usage, they couldn't believe their eyes. Take Back Your Power - Official Trailer (2013) Power Takeover: Are Smart Meters Part of the Largest Corporate Scam in History? On January 17, 2008, President Barack Obama famously said, “Occupy Your Home”: Confronting “Electro Pollution” and Smart Meter Toxification. An overwhelming majority of US and Canadian citizens are entirely unaware that an especially dangerous device has been attached to their homes.
While installation of “smart meters” across North America has continued apace since 2009 the health effects such devices pose have yet to be fully realized. Timeline Photos - RGJ Reno Gazette-Journal. FreedomTaker. Replacing A Smart Meter With A Safe Analog Meter.mov. No Privacy with Smart Meters. Smart Meters surveillance device spying on your home and family YouTube.
Are tens of thousands of defective "smart" meters being stealthily replaced in Arizona? Home - Stop OC Smart Meters. Smart Meter Health Complaints. Take Back Your Power Film: Smart Grid And Smart Meters Exposed. Smart Electric Meters Are Extremely Dangerous Threat In Our Homes. The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters. Stop Smart Meters! (stopsmeters) SaskPower ordered to remove all 105,000 smart meters in the province. ElectroGo Fleet. Westar Energy customer shocked at electric bill.