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- Best Ways to Clear DNS Cache on Chrome & on Any Device - Unthinkable. The DNS cache is a temporary database maintained by the operating system that contains records of all the recent visits and attempted visits to websites and other internet domains. The purpose of the DNS cache is to speed up the loading of websites by reducing the amount of time it takes to look up IP addresses. However, sometimes the DNS cache can become corrupted, resulting in errors when trying to access certain websites. In such cases, it may be necessary to clear the DNS cache. One way to clear the DNS cache is to use the page in the Google Chrome browser.

This page provides a simple and easy-to-use interface for clearing the DNS cache. It is important to note that clearing the DNS cache can result in slower website loading times for a short period of time, as the browser has to look up IP addresses for websites that were previously stored in the cache. What is the DNS Cache? What exactly is DNS cache Flushing? Clear DNS Cache on Chrome ipconfig /flushdns.