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We are a dynamic, agile, 21st ­century digital enterprise; a design consultancy that specializes in workplace design. We have developed a unique client focus that creates and delivers profitable, sustainable and future ­ready workplace solutions.

BrowserStack's Strategy: One Office with Six Unique Meeting Spaces. Not all meetings are created equal – so why should all meeting rooms be designed the same? As companies move towards collaborative work structures, meetings are no longer just formal boardroom conversations. Today, a quick chat over a water cooler may be just as productive as one that takes place around a conference table. However, when designing their meeting spaces, many organisations fail to take such casual interactions into account. While planning out the corporate office design strategy for BrowserStack’s Mumbai office, we kept this in mind. Our workplace design strategy came out of the understanding that BrowserStack's dynamic workforce needed a space that would give them the freedom to take on multiple roles and activities, without compromising on transparency and collaboration.

Following this design concept, we decided to offer employees a space for every kind of interaction — no matter how many people are involved or how quick or informal the meeting is. Phone booths. Innovative and Transformative Office Designs by Space Matrix. Victor Club's Chic Bangkok Office by Space Matrix. BAM's Innovative Hong Kong Office by Space Matrix. The Future of Workspaces Trends and Technologies Revolutionizing Office Design. Designing an Accessible and Barrier-Free Office: Empowering Everyone. A workplace that is accessible and barrier-free is essential for ensuring that every employee can work comfortably and effectively. From individuals with physical disabilities to people with sensory disabilities, all employees deserve to have a workspace that is designed to meet their unique needs.

Developing an accessible workplace means employing a workplace design strategy which eliminates physical and social barriers that impede the employees' ability to work independently and efficiently. Let’s take a look at some design concepts and ideas and how the design solutions by Space Matrix for Northern Trust helped in creating a barrier-free office space. Removing Physical Barriers The first step in creating an accessible office space is to ensure that the physical environment is free from barriers. Northern Trust's office in Pune was designed by Space Matrix for universality and to be accessible to everyone. Addressing Social Differences Using Design to Level the Playing Field. Unlock Workplace Wellness with Your Office Cafeteria. Why your office cafeteria holds the key to your workplace wellness strategy If the kitchen is the heart of the home, a pantry space or a cafeteria is surely the equivalent, when it comes to corporate offices.

And yet, when charting out a workplace wellness strategy, many organisations overlook the cafeteria — putting all their focus on gyms, spas and other luxury offerings instead. However, this can be a huge missed opportunity. The cafeteria may not be a unique offering, but it is a simple, powerful tool to foster health, happiness and emotional well-being among employees. Here are a few reasons why the café or pantry is so important when it comes to ensuring wellness, boosting morale and improving workplace engagement. A starting point for health, nutrition and wellness The pandemic has brought home the importance of healthy dietary practices — and people now pay more attention not just to what they eat, but also to how they eat their meals.

A site for social gatherings. Space Matrix | A Global Design & Build Company. Sustainability in the workplace: A brighter tomorrow, today - Space Matrix Blog. The benefits of considering the environmental impacts of workplace design have a sizable effect on both the employee satisfaction and profit margins of an organisation. Sustainability is therefore a crucial component that differentiates an average office space from one that is designed to be truly future-proof.

So, top companies are making sustainability one of their main goals when creating the perfect space for people to work in. What exactly is a sustainable workplace? A sustainable workplace is one that balances its people, its profit and the planet to produce success and viability in the long-term. Since 2020, a focus on the wellbeing of employees went from a nice-to-have, to a true business imperative.

Impacts of a sustainable workplace There is ample research that proves just how important one’s surroundings are in deciding their mental and physical state. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Workplace Design Trends: Lasting Design Trends & Their Impact on the Workplace. In recent years, the needs and expectations of employees from their physical workplace have undergone a drastic change. The workspace is evolving and in response, the concept of the modern workplace design has evolved.

In fact, it was never static to begin with. Our understanding of design principles is in a state of constant evolution, just like the disposition of each generation that steps up to occupy the space at any given time. To delve into this more, let’s have a look at what makes for a great workplace including workplace design trends that have left a lasting impact on industries.

However, there are always two major components which differentiate a great office space from a good one. 1) Objective improvements that unequivocally improve the mental and physical well-being of every person occupying the said space. 2) Subjective design elements that cater to individual needs, thus actively promoting self-expression and actualisation. Effective trends in Workplace design Blended designs. GSA Capital Hong Kong Office: Innovative Office Design by Space Matrix. Vialto Partners Hong Kong: Office Modern Design by Space Matrix. Angalo American Singapore Office Design | Space Matrix. Coca-Cola Singapore Office Redesign | Space Matrix. SCOR Singapore Office Transformation | Space Matrix. Building Culture Beyond Ping-Pong Tables | Space Matrix. The landscape of corporate culture is rapidly evolving, extending beyond traditional perks like the once-popular ping-pong tables and bean bag lounges. As organisations adjust to the dynamic requirements of a rapidly changing workforce, the focus has shifted towards fostering a culture of belonging.

And rightfully so. According to a recent McKinsey survey, 51% of employees departed from their roles due to a perceived lack of belonging in their workplace. This indicates that beyond the tangible symbols of modernity, the true essence of a thriving workplace involves creating an environment where employees experience a genuine sense of belonging and purpose. Let's delve into the evolution of modern workplace culture and examine how office space designs contribute to establishing a sense of belonging and community. Shifting the Focus: From Perks to Purpose Organisations have acknowledged the imperative to adjust to the evolving expectations of the workforce. Hacking Your Workplace Design for a Thriving Work Culture – Space Matrix Blog. In the past, office designs often prioritised aesthetics or functionality over the needs of the people who used them.

This led to uninspiring environments that hindered collaboration and creativity. As the nature of economic and business environments, work and the needs of people change, there is a welcome change in how workplaces are conceived. With human-centric office design creating empowering and inspiring environments, starting with a preconceived notion of what an office should look like, organisations are now focusing on what truly matters – the needs and desires of their workforce. But how can you translate these inspiring ideas into actionable strategies? The answer lies in strategically hacking your workplace design to cultivate a thriving work culture.

Hack #1: Design for Interaction and Collaboration The days of isolation and siloed working are long gone. Consider incorporating open areas with comfortable furniture for informal brainstorming sessions. Ready to Deep Dive? Licious's Bangalore Office | Space Matrix Flavour. How Do We Design Workplaces For More Inclusivity? Co-Working Revolution Garage Society's New Design | Space Matrix.

[html format="filtered_html" different_values="0"] When it comes to co-working spaces in Hong Kong, the competition is stiff with 283 such spaces. Generally, the battle has been between rising office space costs and the ability to build creative working environments. For Garage Society, they have consistently stood out from the crowd through their modern and innovative designs -- breaking away from traditional office layouts.

Now with the desire to expand their current network of co-working spaces within Asia, Garage Society set out to develop a new workspace at Beverly House Wan Chai, Hong Kong. Elaine Tsung, founder and CEO of Garage Society said, “As a shared workspace operator, we need to build spaces which are commercially effective but also visually appealing. Through a strategic partnership with Space Matrix, a leading office interior design and build firm, a bold design vision swiftly took shape. Creating a dedicated investor hub Introducing outdoor elements to encourage wellness. Avendus Office Mumbai A Space Matrix Transformation. Interior Designer Office Space | Space Matrix. As a part of our global expansion plans, we branched out into China through the successful acquisition of Muraya last year. Our initial conversations with Muraya told us that this interior design and construction company shared a lot of our core values and cultural beliefs.

Together with their talented team, we looked forward to better servicing our clients in Australia, India and Southeast Asia. But first, we needed a gorgeous office for our newly expanded team in Shanghai. We wanted to rebrand the existing space to reflect its affiliation to the larger Space Matrix family. Moreover, the way we work has changed a lot over the last few years, and we wanted our office design to be more functional and collaborative. Fortunately, we had our best designers on the job! And when you look for an interior designer's office space, here are 3 things that happen: Work culture here at Space Matrix has become extremely collaborative and dynamic over the years.

Two Decades of Excellence | Celebrating Space Matrix's Design Legacy. 2001 was a memorable year for technology and the world of work. Apple had just opened its first flagship store and was about to release a ground-breaking new device called the iPod. Microsoft had released a brand-new OS called Windows XP. A free online encyclopaedia called Wikipedia was starting to make the rounds. A show called ‘The Office’ had just come on air (little did anyone know that it would be setting the standards for workplace satire for years to come!). Alongside all of this, we at Space Matrix navigated our very first year.

Through all the excitement, the challenges, the ups and downs, one undeniable fact became clear to us — that the world of work is extremely dynamic. That first year got us excited for the trends to come, the changes we would witness and the evolution that would follow. Early to mid-2000s Whereas offices in the 90s were still quite formal, things had started changing by the early 2000s when we began our design journey. 2008 to 2009 Early 2010s Mid-2010s. DriveStream Gurgaon Office By Space Matrix Accelerating Success Through Inspired Design. 2022 Workplace Trends A Recap of the Year's Dominant Influences. Top 10 Office Design Ideas for Collaborative Workspaces. Empowering Dreams | Space Matrix's Designathon with Temasek Polytechnic.

Temasek Polytechnic (TP), one of the leading institutions of higher learning in Singapore and Space Matrix, a Singapore-based leading workplace design firm with presence across Asia, announced today the top three winners of The “Dream Big” Designathon, an event organised to push the boundaries of creative thinking with real-world concepts and to engage with the young minds of the future. The competition, organised by Space Matrix, attracted more than 90 Year 2 students from the Diploma in Interior Architecture & Design batch at TP School of Design.

The winners are Eunice Bacay, 20, Hariz Hadee, 18, and James Domingo, 19. The winners won a four-month internship opportunity with Space Matrix and cash prizes. The finals were held today at the Temasek Polytechnic campus where the top seven final-round contenders presented their concepts, artist’s impressions and physical models to an esteemed judging panel comprising of leading industry players. Rubrik's Bangalore Workspace | Space Matrix Brilliance. Epicor Office Bangalore Pioneering Innovation | Space Matrix Design. 1880: Changing the world, one conversation at a time | Space Matrix. Marc Nicholson, the man behind the members’ club 1880, has been a Singapore resident for the last 15 years. He had carried the idea of a members’ club that he wanted to create into a worldwide brand. In fact, he conceptualised the idea during his time in London in the 90s, where he was blown away with the fantastic aesthetics and business model of SoHo House.

SoHo House is a famous member-only club that caters exclusively to individuals in the creative business, worldwide. While SoHo's criteria to pick its members was ambiguous, 1880 was conceptualized with the idea of having more clarity over the members who could join. Spread across a 22,000 square-feet area in Robertson Quay in Singapore, 1880 features an all-day-dining restaurant, cafe and cocktail bar, members’ lounge, co-working space, wellness events, multi-purpose room and outdoor terrace. How the idea for 1880 was conceived Marc believes that his life in Singapore played an inspirational role in moulding his vision. Why 1880? 11 Best Workplace Design Concepts in Asia | Space Matrix.

As 2019 comes to an end, we look forward to not just a new year, but also the beginning of a brand new decade. The last few years saw a marked change in the way people work and subsequently, the workplace design trends they sparked off. So to trace these changes, here’s our roundup of the best workplace design concepts that really made an impression over the last couple of years. 1. Hilton, Singapore — bringing hospitality and the experience economy into design Marking its 100th year in the hospitality sector, Hilton launched a brand new corporate space in Singapore in 2019. This trend is effectively translated in Hilton’s office space in Singapore. 2. The modern workspace seeks to build an inclusive work culture, and this is reflected in the way spaces are designed.

Every nook of the office has been designed to appeal to multiple senses. 3. The rise of coworking and flexible working spaces, perhaps, have been one of the biggest changes we have seen over the past few years. 4. 6. 7. 8. Unveiling the Impact of Technology on Modern Workspaces. Strategy & Innovation: Space Matrix Case Studies. Workplace Productivity Success Stories in People & Engagement Strategies. Transformative Power Of Design Thinking Strategies. Potential Design Thinking | Space Matrix's Expert Blog. Space Matrix Design Consultants Pvt Ltd - Modern Office Design. Founded in 2001, our design practice has evolved into a dynamic, agile, 21st ­century digital enterprise; a design consultancy that specializes in workplace design.

We have developed a unique client focus that creates and delivers profitable, sustainable and future-­ready workplace solutions. Our continuing mission aims to continue revolutionizing the delivery of design and build services in both Asia and globally. We have relevant project experience in over 80 cities and 15 office locations in Australia, China, India, Thailand, Singapore (HQ), and the United States. Teamwork, Integrity, and Excellence guide the selection of our clients, the relationships with our business partners, the recruitment of our team members, and the delivery of our services.

Our firm has over 500 professionals globally and continues to push the boundaries in workplace transformation. Pharma Workplace Trends: Space Matrix's Benchmark. Inclusive Workspaces: Space Matrix's Social Vision. Pharma Workplace Trends: Space Matrix's Benchmark. RETURNING TO THE OFFICE: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE | Space Matrix. Future-Proofing Workspaces: Space Matrix's 5-Point Path. Self-isolation, formal lockdowns, re-openings, and even a second phase of lockdowns in some countries — the last few months have brought several pretty big changes in rapid succession.

With these changes affecting operations to a great extent, companies have had to maintain business continuity by focussing on the immediate future so far. But now, with some promising headways being made into the development of a COVID-19 vaccine, it’s time to start thinking of long-term strategies. These long-term strategies need to be safety-driven of course, but they also need to go beyond that. With flexible work becoming the norm, the very role of the physical workplace will need to be redefined and rebalanced for newer priorities.

In order to help clients navigate these changes and plan out a futuristic strategy, Space Matrix has developed a Workplace Reboot Programme that is helping organisations find safe and comfortable ways to return to the office in the near term. 1. Space Matrix, Shanghai 2. 3. Purpose of the workplace: how the workplace has transformed. Enhancing Workplace Experience A Blueprint for Success. Balancing Team Neighborhoods with Meeting Rooms. Design Thinking: People-First Spaces for Sustainable Business Impact. How Design Shapes Diversity and Inclusion Culture in the Workplace. Embracing Workplace Technology: Bridging Generational Gap | Benefits & Strategies. Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace: How Design Thinking Principles Foster Equitable and Productive Work Environments | Space Matrix.

Designing an Accessible Workplace: Creating a Barrier-Free Office Space. How Design Shapes Diversity and Inclusion Culture in the Workplace. The Importance of Prioritizing Wellness and Well-being in the Workplace. The Growing Importance of Wellness and Well-being in Workplace Culture | Space Matrix. The ROI of Wellness-Centered Workplace Design | Space Matrix. Prioritizing Wellness and Well-being in the Workplace | Space Matrix. Inclusivity in workplace culture - The Need of the Hour | Space Matrix. Trending Startup Office Designs in Asia Pacific. How standing desks can improve productivity. How standing desks can improve productivity | Space Matrix. Aesthetic Appeal in the Office: How it impacts productivity and well-being | Space Matrix. Trending Startup Office Designs in Asia Pacific | Space Matrix. How Start-Ups Can Enhance Culture and Brand Identity through Custom Office Design | Space Matrix. Essential Elements of a Wellness-Centred Workplace Design | Space Matrix.

5 Best Office Space Design Strategies for Employees | Space Matrix. 10 Creative Office Design Concepts to Boost Productivity and Collaboration | Space Matrix. The Importance of Office Design for Employee Happiness and Well-being | Space Matrix. Designing for employee satisfaction boosts work fulfilment and productivity | Space Matrix. The Importance of a Well-Designed Office Space for Startup Culture | Space Matrix. Beyond Productivity: Embracing the Future of Work in 2023. Smart Office Design as an Enabler of Workplace Inclusivity | Space Matrix. How VR is taking client experience to the next level | Space Matrix. How tech companies are creating the office of the future | Space Matrix. DESIGNING POSITIVITY: LEVERAGING NEUROSCIENCE TO OPTIMISE WELLBEING IN THE WORKPLACE. 2023 - It’s Time To Look Beyond Productivity | Space Matrix. The workplace design in 2023 and beyond Q&A with Arsh Chaudhry. Workplace calling - Reinstating the meaning of productivity at work after the pandemic.

Legato's Workplace Supports Efficient Teamwork And Employee Engagement. Office Space Interior Design Concepts In Booming Industries. The workplace design in 2023 and beyond Q&A with Arsh Chaudhry. 8 Workplace Trends That Dominated 2022. Collaboration Help Boost Employee Productivity And Encourage Innovation. Legato's workplace supports efficient teamwork and employee engagement with its spaces. Why Does Collaboration Help Boost Employee Productivity And Encourage Innovation. Office Design Strategies Positive Workplace Culture - Space Matrix. How Design Strategy Successfully Impact Its Workplace Culture - Space Matrix. How Does Workplace Design Impact Corporate Culture - Space Matrix. One Of the Best Interior Designing Services Space Matrix's. Space Matrix's Workplace Technology - Office Design Concept. Space Matrix's People And Engagements - Office Design Concept. Space Matrix's Stratergy and Innovation Modern Office Ideas.

Space Matrix's Design Thinking Modern Office Ideas. Space Matrix's Featured Projects modern office ideas. Making A Difference With Workplace Strategy | Space Matrix. Diversity & Inclusion in a Workplace: Building A Space That Belongs To Everyone | Space Matrix. Workplace Design Trends Lasting Design Trends & Their Impact On The Workplace | Space Matrix. Space Matrix Service - Design & Build | Design Office. Space Matrix Service - office interior design trends. Making A Difference With Workplace Strategy | Space Matrix. Our Services | Space Matrix.