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C9 comes from behind to win two sets against GG

12 august 2023

C9 comes from behind to win two sets against GG

The two-set match between Cloud9 (C9) and Golden Guardians (GG) at the 2023 Mid-Season Invitational (MSI) Bracket Stage on Thursday at London's Copper Box Arena was won by C9. C9 came back from a disadvantage and reminded us that they are the #1 seeded team in the LCS.

Just like in game one, the game started off with a lot of fighting, and this time it was the bottom lane that stood out. However, the outcome was completely different from Game 1. It was the GG bottom duo that took the lead in the line battle in game two. When their opponents pressured the duo into some less-than-sophisticated moves, GG responded well, forcing them to return. This created a leveling gap between the bottom duo, and GG popped the bottom by destroying the bottom first tower with 10 minutes to go.

GG dutifully rolled the snowball. He used his messenger to take out the top lane tower, and in the mid, he capitalized on his opponent's mistake to take out the top lane tower. At 19 minutes, he had three stacks of dragons and bounties on his top laner and ranged dealer. However, C9 also took what they could get and kept the gold gap with their opponents small.

The next game broke the calm. C9 took out the first Nautilus near the Baron's nest. C9 promptly hit the Baron and dictated the fight, winning the 4:5 kills and taking the Baron buff. C9 continued to dominate the fight from here on out, and the game quickly began to tilt in GG's favor. C9 turned the tide, winning back-to-back fights and rushing to the opponent's nexus to end the game.