Belgium. China. Germany. India. Japan. Netherlands. Philippines. Portugal. Singapore. South Korea. USA. More Research. International statistics: Compare countries on just about anything! NationMaster.com. 4. WORLD WATER RESOURCES BY COUNTRY. Summary of world water resources This chapter presents the results of the study for the world (Annex 3 Maps 1 and 2).
Chapter 5 further develops the analysis of the results for ten large regions of the world showing distinct climate characteristics. World water resources Table 2 presents the results of the global water resources review by region (Annex 3 Map 3). This section comments briefly on the particularities which can be observed on a large scale across the world, as well as difficulties which emerge from the information collected. The total water resources in the world are estimated in the order of 43 750 km3/year, distributed throughout the world according to the patchwork of climates and physiographic structures. In terms of resources per inhabitant in each continent, America has 24 000 m3/year, Europe 9 300 m3/year, Africa 5 000 m3/year and Asia 3 400.1 m3/year. The distribution of water. Education in different countries.
Understanding Children’s Right to Education. Education is an essential right, which permits each person to receive instruction and to blossom socially.
The right to an education is vital for the economic, social and cultural development of all societies. Education: an important apprenticeship Education permits one to acquire basic knowledge Education entails that its subjects acquire a variety of knowledge. It begins with the acquisition of elementary knowledge—that is to say, literacy—on the part of the youngest members of society.
This is an essential stage which will permit the child to pursue his/her education by integrating secondary and post-secondary instruction. Education also consists of a form of learning that is necessary for the development of one’s personality and identity, as well as his physical and intellectual capabilities.
Education has as its ultimate objective the improvement of a person’s quality of life. The Right to an Education: a fundamental and universal right Education must be accessible to all children. Great human inventions by country. Inventions by chronological order Paper currency (7th century, China) Navigational compass (11th century, China) Firearms (12th century, China) Glasses (1280's, Italy) Mechanical clock (1335, Italy) Printing Press (c. 1440, Germany) Invented by Johannes Gutenberg.
Viol (viola da gamba) and Cello (late 15th and 16th century, Italy) Category:Inventions by country. Problems donating?
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*If you make a recurring donation, you will be debited by the Wikimedia Foundation until you notify us to stop. We'll send you an email receipt for each payment, which will include a link to easy cancellation instructions. If we all gave $3, the fundraiser would be over in an hour. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Subcategories Pages in category "Inventions by country"
Food in Every Country. List of dances. This is the main list of dances.
It is a non-categorized, index list of specific dances. There may also be listed dances which could either be considered a specific dance or a family of related dances, depending on your perspective. For example, ballet, ballroom dance and folk dance can be considered single dance styles or families of related dances. The purpose of the page is to have as complete an index as possible. Specific dances are listed below in alphabetical order, and only should be listed one time.
See following for categorized lists: Dances listed on these specialized (categorized) lists should also be included in this general index. A[edit] B[edit] C[edit] D[edit] E[edit] F[edit] G[edit] H[edit] Hat Dance Mexico. TouchCast :Ecuador. Switzerland by Selvie Sundari. Google Slides - create and edit presentations online, for free.