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“I’m Not the Indian You Had in Mind” Images of indigenous people, often depicting them in negative stereotypes, have long circulated through various forms of mass media.

“I’m Not the Indian You Had in Mind”

Familiar images of drums, traditional dress, brave warriors, and half-naked, dancing people wearing feathers and buckskin reinforce the idea that indigenous people are radically different from mainstream society. Many Hollywood films, TV series, fashion shows, and advertisements perpetuate these stereotypes, even though they have very little to do with the ways contemporary (or even historical) indigenous people dress, work, think, and act. Neither do daily news items reflect a realistic picture. “Research shows,” says media scholar Duncan McCue, “that reports from Indigenous communities tend to follow extremely narrow guidelines based on pre-existing stereotypes of.

Photo essay

A Million Porcupines Crying in the Dark. A Million Porcupines Crying in the Dark Some of the lectures contain profanity, however, this does not detract from the content.

A Million Porcupines Crying in the Dark

Creationism is also discussed. Please consult your local resources evaluation policy before using this text. In 2003, Thomas King delivered the forty-second annual series of Massey Lectures. These audio clips consist of five lectures that examine the First Nations experience and imagination. Search: Canadian Landscape. A remarkable refugee story. Manitoba refugees share stories, tackle misconceptions. 'It's a love story': Chuck Comeau, Abu Bakr al Rabeeah & Winnie Yeung discuss the memoir Homes. Homes by Abu Bakr al Rabeeah with Winnie Yeung will be defended by Simple Plan drummer Chuck Comeau on Canada Reads 2019.

'It's a love story': Chuck Comeau, Abu Bakr al Rabeeah & Winnie Yeung discuss the memoir Homes

The memoir tells the story of al Rabeeah's childhood in Iraq and Syria, playing soccer with his cousins and working with his father in the midst of civil war, before they came to Canada as refugees. In conversation with Comeau, al Rabeeah and Yeung describe why they collaborated on Homes and what they hope readers will take away from it. Reserve tickets to be part of the Canada Reads studio audience here The Canada Reads 2019 debates take place March 25-28, 2019. They will air on CBC Radio One at 11 a.m. (1 p.m. Chuck Comeau (CC): Abu Bakr, why did you want to share your story? Abu Bakr al Rabeeah (ABaR): When I first came here to Canada, I realized there's not a lot of people who know about Syria and Iraq. Winnipegger's story of 18 years in refugee camp. Charley Squash Goes to Town by Duke Redbird. 150 Facts About Canada…in 150 seconds?! CBC Radio - Secret Life of Canada. Our Home and Racist Land Essay. Being one of the most socially developed and multicultural countries in the world everyone probably sees Canada as a Utopian country.

Our Home and Racist Land Essay

Unfortunately Canada isn’t as perfect as everyone thinks it is, and a major persisting issue is racism. Being a multicultural there are many minorities and this usually results in racism, isolation, and unequal treatment amongst everyone. Unfortunately, racism gets more serious and turns into hate crime and that is a federal offence. Racisms not only affects adults at work or on the streets but also affects children in schools and daycare centers as kids are treated differently based on their skin color. We can all imagine that racism has disappeared but in reality we know that it will never leave. Racism is common amongst the streets of Canada and especially Toronto as we are the most diverse city in Canada. Just by viewing these statistics you can conclude that Canada is still racist. Words of the Elders: Saving Aboriginal Languages. I'm Not the Indian You Had in Mind. Shane Koyczan - Prairie Dog. Born in Yellowknife, Shane Koyczan grew up in Penticton, B.C.

Shane Koyczan - Prairie Dog

Since 2000 he’s been a trailblazer in the Canadian spoken word and poetry scene, both as a solo artist and as part of the group Tons of Fun University along with C.R. Avery and Mighty Mike McGee. A couple of years ago, Koyczan released an animated video for the poem “To This Day” that addressed the lasting impacts of bullying on people’s lives.

The video went viral, racking up over 15 million views on YouTube, turning him into a bit of a spokesperson for the anti-bullying movement. On Saturday April 4, Koyczan is in town as part of his Silence Is A Song I Know All The Words To Tour. Top 10 Things Canadians Want You To Know. Rick Mercer on Annoying Canadian Stereotypes. Best Commercial Ever! Poetry for Teens.

Handouts 30

Wish You Were Here: Saskatchewan Postcard Collections. This website highlights over 4,500 postcards found in eleven archives throughout Saskatchewan.

Wish You Were Here: Saskatchewan Postcard Collections

The images available on the exhibit site are eclectic. No attempt was made to "curate" the site, or select thematically-specific images. The postcards themselves came to be in archival collections in a variety of ways: some, sent to individuals in Saskatchewan, are part of larger fonds; some were collected by individuals; some were collected by institutions for the images or text they presented. The only unifying theme of the exhibit is that all of the postcards now form part of Saskatchewan's rich and diverse archival heritage. Canadian, Please ♫ WILLIAM SHATNER SINGS O CANADA. Our home on native land. Our Home on Native Land: Cumberland House.

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