Youtube. The tyranny of chairs: why we need better design. ‘Let’s face the considerable evidence that all sitting is harmful,” writes Galen Cranz, a design historian whose book The Chair traces this object’s long history.
Chairs rock (do you get it ??? ) heeeee heee – danross
Not all sitting, of course.
For people who use wheelchairs, they’re an elegant and crucial technology. And sitting itself is not the culprit; any unchanging, repetitive motion or posture fails to give the body the variation it needs. But Cranz, writing primarily for an audience of ambulatory readers in industrialised and therefore sedentary societies, is one of many researchers who have been saying for decades that chairs are a major cause of pain and disability. Sitting for hours and hours can weaken your back and core muscles, pinch the nerves of your rear end and constrain the flow of blood that your body needs for peak energy and attention. How to Build. Kevin McCloud's Rough Guide to the Future. The Highlights of Auto Futures Live: The Future of Fuel - Auto Futures. Reading Time: 3 minutes Auto Futures Live: The Future of Fuel was held at the Thomson Reuters HQ in London on October 29th.
The event brought together journalists, leading brands and industry professionals, including an inspiring panel. The discussion and Q&A session featured a thought-provoking discussion, including policy-making, the air quality crisis, infrastructure and, of course, which fuel will rule. From hydrogen and battery electric vehicles to synthetic fuels and the internal combustion engine, our panel and audience explored the pros and cons of each propulsion.
Bill Hammack's Videos & Audio on Engineering. Concorde : A Supersonic Story [BBC] 2017. Android apps For Engineers. Interactive engineering. Computer Games for Engineers. Engineering sites. Engineering.com. Lack of female role models undermining STEM career paths. Role models have a great impact on one’s life choices.
Teenagers who have positive role models have greater self-esteem and perform better in school than teenagers without role models in their lives, according to research. One will try to follow a role model’s footsteps, which can be done both consciously and unconsciously. When you think of famous engineers, how many women come to mind? Probably only a few if any. Among Forbes’ top 100 CEO’s there’s only one female engineer. Root of STEM’s research, which was conducted across 270 high schools, showed that on average 63% of the math and science teachers were women (68% of the math teachers and 56 % of the science teachers were women) compared to 80% women teachers in all subjects in the state of North Carolina. Engineering News Magazine. Engineering News Magazine. BBC iPlayer - Maddie’s Do You Know? Design Council.
This is Engineering. Tomorrow’s Engineers. Riversimple UK Based Hydrogen Fuel Cell Eco Car Company. Radical UK hydrogen car revealed. A ground-breaking hydrogen-powered city car, which has been designed in Britain and financed by the grandson of Ferdinand Porsche, is to be unveiled next week.
Autocar can reveal that the Riversimple Urban Car will have a far smaller fuel cell than in current industry prototypes and thus needs less hydrogen to be stored on board and in fuelling stations. The vehicle is no bigger than a Smart car, weighing just 350kg, and has been developed over three years by teams at Oxford and Cranfield universities. It can reach 50mph and travel in excess of 200 miles, consuming the equivalent petrol energy of 300mpg in hydrogen. Power comes from a 6kw fuel cell, which is tiny compared to the 100kw system powering the Honda Clarity. It uses a composite body to keep the weight down and four electric motors on each wheel, which double as brakes and electricity generators. Hugo Spowers, head of Riversimple, said: "Cars evolved under very different constraints to those of today, so we must move on.
Climate change: The massive CO2 emitter you may not know about. Image copyright Getty Images Concrete is the most widely used man-made material in existence.
It is second only to water as the most-consumed resource on the planet. But, while cement - the key ingredient in concrete - has shaped much of our built environment, it also has a massive carbon footprint. Cement is the source of about 8% of the world's carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, according to think tank Chatham House. Raspberry Pi Blog - News, Announcements, and Ideas.
Looking for this year’s perfect something to put under the tree ‘from Santa’?
Well, look no further than right here — it’s time for our traditional Christmas shopping list! Woohoo! Which Raspberry Pi? As you are no doubt aware, the Raspberry Pi comes in more than one variety. And if you’re planning to give a Pi as a gift to a first-time user, you may be confused as to which one you should buy. Raspberry Pi 3B+ For someone learning to write code for the first time, we recommend the Raspberry Pi 3B+. Raspberry Pi Zero W. BBC iPlayer - Inside the Factory. The BLOODHOUND Project.
News - Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Engineering By Design. The Engineer. Real Engineering.