The Garden I Would Like « Scientix blog. We are teachers who would like to talk about our distance teaching experience and good practices while building a virtual garden.
We teach sixteen-year-old students from Human Science at Lyceum. We, as teachers, notwithstanding the Coronavirus isolation, have been trying to keep in touch with reality and challenge ourselves and students. The title “The garden I would like” is about a “Virtual Herbarium” entirely created by students as part of the Nature-Based Solutions Project that the Science science teachers of our school, Costantina Cossu, is contributing to. From the students’ side, it was an opportunity to look at the environment through different eyes. We are now talking about students who like the beautiful. There they could study their school trees and exchanging tasks. Some others, with their creativity, have used Google maps to visualize and take shots of the school’s current garden. They have many ideas some quite hard to implement in distance education… Leave a Reply. Il numero corrente. IN QUESTO NUMEROAntonio Fini Tema del numero: Didattica aperta al tempo delle scuole chiuseE Il tappeto digitale a servizio della didattica della lontananzaPietro Alviti Accompagnare la scuola verso un futuro diversoMaria Stella Perrone Costruire un piano di scuola digitale transazionale.
L’esperienza della Bilingual European SchoolMauro Spicci, Silvia Bettini, Stefania Di Resta, Valerà Pepé, Giacomo Magistrelli, Francesca Malara, Cinzia Corti Bimbi, genitori e nonni a scuole chiuse: il racconto personale di un eLearning DADdyMatteo Uggeri La seconda guerra mondiale a distanza: un lavoro di geostoria Fabio Marca #NONsoloDaD: storie di didattica a distanza, di formazione docenti e di service learning al tempo del CoronavirusGabriella Dell’Unto Trasformare tablet e smartphone in tavoletta grafica per la DaDGiuseppe Rago Fornire supporto alle scuole della Sardegna durante l’emergenza CoronavirusAnna Rita Vizzari L’unione fa la forza. Le tre fasi della DaD dall’infanzia al liceoPaolo Angella. If you think that digital innovation can not be female then... meet the Sardinian EFT - The 2020 STEM Discovery Campaign. Author: Costantina Cossu We are a group of 4 women, who are part of a 120 Italian teachers group, selected for their skills and innovation capacity.
We are skilled tireless warriors, prepared to solve digital-related problems. We are the Territorial Training Team in Sardinia, Italy. We are also part of a regional Coronavirus Emergency Task Force aimed to help schools, teachers and families with distance learning.
Radio Catalan 8 Febbraio 2020. FIGLI D'EUROPA 2020 - Puntata 1 - 26.02.2020 - Videolina. EFT Disseminazione Evento Job Orienta. EFT Disseminazione Evento Job Orienta.