Buyer Personas. Calendars. Infographics. Five Tips for Writing Case Studies That Aren't Boring as Hell. The Best Days and Times to Post Content [Infographic] Guide to Landing Page Copywriting - Click for download to view. Content Marketing through Interactive Apps. 4 SEO Tips to Maximize the Impact of Your Content. You have a pretty good idea of who your target audience is for your digital content.
You can visualize them, and you know what kind of work they do and what they're likely to buy. You know for sure that they walk upright on two legs, generally. News flash: Your target audience is not people, it's Google, which stands between you and those people you want to reach. Only if you create content with Google's search algorithm in mind as the first processor of your content can you reach human beings on the other side of your screen. It's a professional mission of Mike Samec, director of digital strategy for Gibbs & Soell Business Communications, to make SEO experts out of PR professionals. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Learn more from Mike Samec at PR News' SEO Workshop: What Communicators Need to Know Now About SEO, which will be held on Oct. 10 in New York. Follow Mike Samec: @msamec Follow Steve Goldstein: @SGoldsteinAI. Public Relations - The Truth About Press Release Metrics. The three largest press release distribution services released approximately 1,759 press releases a day in 2013.
With each of those releases, the newswire service provided a list of coverage and page views associated with the press release. So, what was the value of each press release? I recently read a how-to article from a popular PR software company discussing how to determine the ROI of a press release. The blog post broke down, step by step, how to read that dashboard given after every distributed release, which showed figures about how many people read your release, how many interactions it received, and more. The post was factually correct.
I was concerned that the post would foster a false understanding of the real value of a press release. I'm sorry... but no. That viewpoint is a dangerous and unfair misconception to be promoting. Dashboard Numbers Are Not Reliable One of my clients recently distributed a release that had about 1,000 fewer views than the previous four releases. The Difference Between Marketing and PR? It's All in the Inflections. It wasn't so long ago that the PR and marketing functions were considered enemies within organizations, particularly where budgets, reporting structures and the assigning of credit/blame were concerned.
Perhaps as a result of the concurrent changes in personal technology habits (aka the bent-elbow/head-down posture of the human race as it loses itself in "social" media) and the decline of traditional news organizations, it's become harder to perceive where marketing ends and PR begins. Current job titles bear witness to the haziness. To bring some clarity to the issue, PR News asked its community how it would define the difference between marketing and PR. Most of the responses fell along the lines of "marketing is all about the product and PR is all about the relationships. " We suspect that many marketers and PR pros (and those officially straddling the two) would object to this kind of blanket statement, but the variations on the same theme is telling. 8 Vital Social Media Ingredients To Boost Your Content Marketing. “Help me, help you.”
A classic line from Jerry Maguire, and a concept that we’re going to look at today. Content Marketing and Social Media can be the perfect recipe for lead generation; blog posts, infographics, e-books, podcasts and videos can all get major traction on social media if shared wisely. Why Your Web Copy Is Missing the Mark (and How You Can Fix It) Writing for a website is different from other kinds of writing.
You have to make it short, sweet, and explanatory—and focus on communicating benefits, benefits, benefits. Oh, and also make sure you nail down relevant keywords and scatter them enough (but not too much) in the text. 8 Reasons Why Content is King in Social Media. Social Media Marketing is strongly related to content.
When starting with social media for business one of the first tips you get is: „Content is King“. That sounds easy enough, but to be honest it is not: content is not necessarily good content, and a lot of content out there in the social networks simply is not king! The easiest way to figure out, what kind of content will rule in the end, you have to understand what you want to achieve with the really good content and what makes content king. Here are our 8 reasons why „Content is King. 1. 8 Key Organizational Benefits of Having Social Employees. We still hear it often from attendees at PR News' live events and webinars—senior leaders at many organizations dread, fear and dismiss the positive value of social media in general and the social media engagement of their employees specifically.
Never mind the intense pressure on communicators to prove the business value of company-sanctioned social media efforts. If you need case study examples to prove the competitive value of a "social" culture, check with Mark Burgess, co-author (with Cheryl Burgess) of “The Social Employee: How Great Companies Make Social Media Work," co-founder and president of Blue Focus Marketing and keynote speaker at PR News' Sept. 16 Platinum PR Awards luncheon in New York City.
His point of view is similar to that of Brian Solis—if your internal culture can't keep up with the technology-driven changes in the external culture, your organization is in trouble. Infographic: How to Improve Your Company’s ‘Call to Action’ For PR pros and communicators, a positive story about their brand prominently placed in a major media outlet could certainly qualify as a call to action.
6 Tips for Optimizing Your Social Media Content. Sahana Jayaraman PR pros are aware of the need to optimize their brand’s website content for search, but it is just as important to optimize social media content for search.
“The online world has become a very social place, providing new and unique data resources for search systems to exploit,” said Sahana Jayaraman, VP of digital and social at Eastwick. Five Ways to Maintain Credibility in Your Content Marketing. A few months ago, we conducted a content marketing survey that found 74% of those who surf the Web tend to trust the non-salesy content that businesses post on their corporate, social, and other sites to educate prospects and customers and, hopefully, draw them into their communities and customer channels.
The figure may be surprisingly high, but our survey also showed it doesn't take much for content marketers to break that trust: 29% indicate that even if 99% of a blog post is compelling, valuable, and objective, all a content marketer has to do to kill her credibility is add a brief mention of the product. It may not be fair, but that's content marketing for you. People will, for the most part, start out believing what you have to say, but their trust in your content is both fragile and fleeting.