Froufy Barbie Skirt Tutorial. I hope you’ve had as much fun with Barbie® week as I have!
Here’s one more fun skirt tutorial! Enjoy But please pardon the name of the skirt. (unless you have something better?) I spent 3 hours up with baby last night, trying to get her back to sleep. Click below for more! You’ll need: 1 piece of fabric 12″x3.5″ (for the length shown here) 1 piece of fabric 1.25″x5″ for the waistband sew on velcro sewing stuff cut your pieces out-I’m not sure how my skirt piece ended up crooked-whatevs!
Serge or zig zag stitch two short sides, and one long side of your skirt piece. On the other side of your skirt piece, sew a basting stitch down the edge, and gather to fit the waistband. Important! Andd…sew together! Press the waistband, folding a little bit over like so. fold that down over the front of your skirt-and pin. topstitch slowly along the bottom of the waistband. Pin right sides together, and sew a seam about an inch from the bottom down… this is what it should look like. Easy Barbie Skirt Tutorial. Here’s a quick and easy tutorial for a Barbie® skirt-easily customizable with ruffles or pleats along the bottom, as well as the pieced together look-you choose!
Click below for more! You’ll need: one piece of fabric 7 1/2″ x 4 1/2″, or two pieces equaling that, if you want the pieced look. (of course you can go longer or shorter) a piece of 1/4 inch elastic 4 inches long sewing stuff-matching thread sew or serge your two pieces right sides together like so… serge or zig zag stitch the other two long edges, and hem your bottom piece. **use your matching thread for this step-or as close of a match as you can get** Then on the other edge, lay your elastic down about 1/2 inch from the edge, stitch and back stitch a few times. then start stitching along your elastic, stretching it towards you as you go. Keep going until you reach the end…it should just about fit, if not, snip off the extra fabric.
This is what you should have. cute, huh? Tada! And sew with about 1/2″ seam serge or zig zag the seam. Vaguely Victorian Overskirt For Barbie. Sew A Gathered Skirt For Barbie. Barbie Skirts, Pants & Leggings. Barbie Yellow short leggings I like this shinny yellow, it’s just perfect for summer!
Happy sewing! Continue reading Black flounce skirt I am running a little bit late on my first advent calendar present… here it is. Happy Sewing! Barbie grey velvet skirt This skirt is a an idea of my daughter. Free Barbie Jeans Or Slacks Sewing Pattern. If you sew, you have the opportunity to share the magic of transforming scraps of fabric into wonderful garments.
This free sewing pattern can transform scraps of denim into jeans for a fashion doll the size of Barbie. If you have gabardine or wool scraps on hand, sew dress slacks to keep the fashion doll on the cutting edge of fashion. Fascination with the wonderful doll clothes you are sewing, may be the trigger that encourages a young person to want to learn to sew. Materials Needed: Print out of free pattern Scraps of fabric - discarded jeans are a great source of fabric for this projects. Barbie Outfit From Recycled Lace. No-Sew Lace Barbie Outfit... from Recycled Lace We gently removed the lace from a Valentine candy box to make this two-piece outfit.
You can also use the lace from old clothes, curtains, or linens. Ages 7 and up. You need: 2' of 2" Lace (or adapt for the lace you have. Instructions: Cut a piece of lace to fit around Barbie's torso with a 1/4" overlap. Cut another piece to fit around her waist and hips with overlap. . ©2010 MakingFriends.com Inc.