Why Anti-Semitism On The Left Is More Dangerous Than Anti-Semitism On The Right – The Forward. Much ink has been spilled over the past week about president Donald Trump’s failure to adequately condemn white nationalists in Charlottesville, VA, and rightfully so.
As Stephen Colbert so eloquently put it, how could the president “shank a softball like that so hard?” The car ramming attack in Charlottesville was no less a terror attack than any “radical Islamic” attack the president would not have hesitated to forcefully condemn. Instead, in this case, he called out the violence on “both sides.” So, let’s talk about the other side. I’m not quite sure who the President was referring to when he referred to the “other side” in his condemnation, seeing as only one side produced a murderer who drove a car into a crowd of innocent people and only one side instigated a riot by holding a rally for Nazis. Daily Digest - February 14: America Loses When Cable Giants Play Monopoly. Click here to receive the Daily Digest via email.
There will not be a new Daily Digest on Monday, February 17, in observance of Presidents' Day. The Daily Digest will return on Tuesday, February 18. Comcast's Time Warner Deal Is Bad for America (Bloomberg Businessweek) A Comcast-Time Warner Cable monopoly won't just limit choice for consumers, says Roosevelt Institute Fellow Susan Crawford. The combined company will have no reason to upgrade infrastructure.
Just How Much Do Republicans Hate Unions? Volkswagen seems to be supportive of a union at its Chattanooga, TN plant. It's Time to Kill the Debt Limit (The Daily Beast) Jamelle Bouie says that the easiest way to stop the cycle of debt ceiling crises of the past few years would be to abolish it altogether, since it's a pointless and redundant concept anyway. How Anti-Jewish Jokes Hurt the Palestinian Cause - Nuzha Nusseibeh. An Arab student born in East Jerusalem explains why there's nothing funny about the hatred that drove Jews out of Europe.
A Palestinian woman in the West Bank waits for medical services at a mobile clinic. (Alberto Barbierro/Flickr) It happens every time I visit the U.S., and it’s happened increasingly over the last five years. Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism. Johan Livernette. Pourquoi il ne faut pas faire taire Dieudonné (mais il ne faut pas l'écouter non plus) — Bonjour Maître.
Puis-je vous proposer un café ? — Bonjour jeune homme. Certainement pas, je n’en bois pas, mais puis-je à mon tour vous poser une question ? — Bien sûr, Maître. — Qui êtes vous et que faites vous ici sans avoir été annoncé ? — je suis Édouard, votre nouveau stagiaire. Articles The Quenelle is a culinary speciality from Lyon. Should I Apply for Spanish Citizenship as Sephardic Jew? February 7, 2014, 4:35pm By Josh Nathan-Kazis Will I apply?
That’s what people are asking me today, as news circulates of the law the Spanish cabinet just approved to offer citizenship to Sephardic Jews. Two weeks ago, the Forward published a long essay I wrote about this citizenship offer, which the Spanish justice and foreign ministers first proposed in 2012. I went to Spain in November 2013, at first thinking I would apply for a passport myself. Three months after my trip, the text of the law is finally available. The bill allows the descendants of Jews expelled from Spain in 1492 to apply for Spanish citizenship, even if they choose not to live in Spain. Spain’s answer appears, on first read, to be jumbled. The law states that the official Jewish federation will be charged with giving certificates that accredit applicants as Sephardic, though it doesn’t say how the federation will make that determination.
The law doesn’t venture into the stickier questions of bloodline. THE JEWISH GAME… A TO Z : Chutzpah Magazine. La dieudonnisation des esprits, une (grosse) quenelle qui vient d’en bas. Manuel Valls, le ministre de l’Intérieur, souhaite faire interdire les spectacles de Dieudonné.
Dans une interview au Parisien, Manuel Valls rappelle que «Dieudonné a été condamné à plusieurs reprises pour diffamation, injures et provocation à la haine raciale». «C’est donc un récidiviste et j’entends agir avec la plus grande fermeté, dans le cadre de la loi» déclare-t-il. Google et le mot "juif" : "Ce n'est pas un conflit entre la morale et un algorithme idiot" Une solution inhabituelle pour un problème complexe.
Mercredi 23 mai, un médiateur a été désigné pour régler un différend entre Google et des organisations antiracistes*. Ces dernières exigent que le moteur de recherche n’associe plus automatiquement le mot “juif” au nom de personnalités politiques, journalistiques, artistiques,… En cause, la fonction “Autocomplete” (anciennement appelée “Google suggest”), dite “saisie semi-automatique”, permettant d’anticiper la recherche de l’internaute, en lui proposant les solutions les plus recherchées auparavant, sur le même sujet ou la même personne. Nous vous décrivions déjà comment Jacques Cheminade mettait en demeure Google de ne plus associer son nom aux mots “secte” et “extrême droite”.
Can Sephardic Jews Go Home Again — 500 Years After the Inquisition? Kurt Hoffman By Josh Nathan-Kazis Published January 26, 2014, issue of January 31, 2014.
Madrid — The Spanish government expelled the Jews in 1492. In 2012, they said that they wanted us back.