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Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager - Shopify [Complete Guide & Tutorials] Shopify Data Layer for Purchase & Product [+Tutorials] Shopify - Google Tag Manager Course | Analyzify. A Complete Solution on Google Tag Manager & Shopify. FAQ on Google Tag Manager & Shopify. Why Use Google Tag Manager on Shopify Stores? | Analyzify. One of the most common questions we receive is why to use Google Tag Manager on Shopify. Tracking the visitors’ and customers’ activity on a brand’s online properties is a crucial way to understand the target audience’s behaviors. And that’s where we start using tracking codes, as well as handy tools such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. But let’s face it; it has been a complex, time-consuming task to add all those codes into those properties.

Thankfully, there is a revolutionary tool called Google Tag Manager (GTM). Google was aware of how time-consuming and complex it was to add and manage tags; the platform gives the code, that code was given to the developer, the marketer explains to the developer which event should be triggered, the developer sets the code and the marketer starts testing it. And the list goes on… Here comes the solution: Google Tag Manager Think about Google Tag Manager as a toolbox, where you keep all your tools such as Google Analytics, Google Ads etc. Set up Google Tag Manager on Shopify (Works on non-Plus)