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17 august 2020


super antioxidants, antioxidant foods, antioxidant foods, foods high in antioxidants, aroniaberry, aronia fruit

An optimal mixture of different antioxidants with complementary mechanisms of action and different redox potentials is postulated to work in synergistic interactions. Like the content of any food component, antioxidant values will differ for a wide array of reasons, such as growing conditions, seasonal changes and genetically different cultivars 46 , 58 , storage conditions 59 - 61 and differences in manufacturing procedures and processing 62 - 64 Differences in unprocessed and processed plant food samples are also seen in our study where processed berry products like jam and syrup have approximately half the antioxidant capacity of fresh berries. Chocolate have for several years been studied for its possible beneficial health effects 56 Our results show a high correlation between the cocoa content and the antioxidant content, which is in agreement with earlier studies 30 , 57.

Breakfast cereals are also potential important sources of antioxidants; some of these products have antioxidant contents comparable to berries, which are fairly high, compared to other grain products and may be due to antioxidants added to the products in fortification process. Because of the fairly high content of antioxidants and the frequent use, coffee and tea are important antioxidant sources in many diets. The observed increase in antioxidant content in nuts with pellicle compared to nuts without pellicle is in good agreement with earlier studies showing the flavonoids of many nuts are found in the nut pellicle 49.