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File Petition for Appointment of Arbitrator. Transfer Petition in the Supreme Court of India. File Caveat Petition in the Supreme Court of India within 24 hrs. Mutual consent divorce in Delhi/ NCR. File Transfer Petition in the Supreme Court of India. File Transfer Petition in the Supreme Court of India. Caveat Petition in the Supreme Court of India. Taps9 Law Chambers is a one-stop destination for filing caveat petitions in the supreme court of India. Upon receipt of the documents, we will help you process the caveat petition. as the name suggests is a 24 hr service provider for filing caveat petitions in the Supreme Court of India. The Caveat Petition will be filed by a qualified Advocate on Record of the Supreme Court of India. We guarantee that the caveat petition will be filed within the stipulated period of 24 hrs. Once the Caveat Petition is filed we take upon ourselves the responsibility of informing you immediately of any Petitions or Appeals that may have been filed by the opposite party. Caveat Petitions are filed by a party in whose favor the High Court has already granted relief. To Avoid Any Ex Parte Orders Being Passed, One Should File a Caveat. Therefore filing Caveat Petition is an extremely important step and helps you file the caveat petition and also assists you further as and when required.

Transfer Petition in the Supreme Court of India. will assist you in filing transfer petitions. We will provide you with every possible information for filing Transfer Petitions in the supreme court of India. Transfer Petitions are very common in matrimonial cases and are completely dependent on grounds under which one is seeking transfer of cases from one state to another. Our dedicated team of lawyers will draft your petition within 24 hrs and send you for final approval. We at Taps Law Chamber are available 24x 7 to answer all your queries and we undertake to file the petition immediately after the formalities are complete as required from your end. Taps9 Law Chamber is committed to efficient functioning. We believe in helping our clients and we make sure that there is no delay in any way. Special Leave Petition Taps9 law Chamber provides information for filing special leave petitions in the supreme court of India. Our dedicated team works 24x 7 and we reply to your queries at any time, however, we also require your support.

File Special Leave Petition in the Supreme Court of India. The File Caveat Petition in the Supreme Court of India by taps9law. Mutual Consent Divorce in Delhi/ NCR | by Taps9 Law | Aug, 2022 | Medium. Why you should prefer for filing Mutual consent divorce Taps9 Law Chamber is a specialized Law Firm dealing in Divorce Cases . Mutual consent Divorce cases is always preferred over any other form of divorce because it is the fastest and easiest form of Mutual consent divorce. A marriage can be dissolved after a period of 6 months. In cases where the separation period is more than 18 months such marriages can be dissolved within 2 months approximately. How to File Mutual Consent Divorce: There are several steps involved in order to get a Mutual Consent Divorce .

We at Taps9 Law Chamber make sure that once both parties have agreed to their own terms and conditions , we take not more than a day to draft the petition and the very next day the parties may sign the petition alongwith supporting affidavits and attest the same. Taps9 Law Chamber provides you 24 hr assistance and will be available for replying to your queries and we believe we are extremely efficient and trust worthy. Caveat Petition in the Supreme Court of India. File Caveat Petitions within 24 hrs with our assistance. Upon receipt of the documents we will help you process the caveat petition. as the name suggests is a 24 hr service provider for filing caveat petitions in the Supreme Court of India .

The Caveat Petition will be filed by a qualified Advocate on Record of the Supreme Court of India. We guarantee that the caveat petition will be filed within the stipulated period of 24 hrs. Once the Caveat Petition is filed we take upon us the responsibility of informing you immediately of any Petitions or Appeals that may have been filed by the opposite party. Caveat Petitions are filed by a party in whose favour the High Court has already granted relief . That is to say the Caveator is already the winner in the High Court. In Mutual Consent Divorce the most important factor is both parties should have set their own terms and conditions if any and is ready and willing to execute the same by filing before the Family court. File Special Leave Petition in the Supreme Court o - Noida, UP. Caveat Petition in the Supreme Court of India.

Mutual Consent Divorce | Divorce by Mutual Consent | Taps9 Law. File Special leave petition in the supreme court of India | Taps9 Law. Mutual Consent Divorce | Divorce by Mutual Consent | Taps9 Law. File Special leave petition in the supreme court of India | Taps9 Law. Application to High Court to appoint arbitrator | by Taps9 Law | Jul, 2022 | Medium. Taps9 Law Chamber will assist you in filing transfer petitions both civil and criminal before the Supreme Court of India. Transfer Petitions are filed in the Supreme Court of India for transfer of cases from one state to another whether from one High Court to another High Court or from subordinate courts.Transfer of Criminal cases are governed by Section 406 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1908.

Transfer Petitions which are civil in nature are filed under section 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 read with order xli rules 1 to 4 of Supreme court Rules 2013. Appointment of Arbitrator Before the High Court Appointment of an Arbitrator- File Petition for Appointment of Arbitrator before the High Court under S .11 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. In case of seeking interim measures Petition under section 9 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 can also be filed before the High Court. Special Leave Petition. Mutual Consent Divorce in Delhi/ NCR. Mutual consent divorce can be filed under Hindu Marriage Act 1955 as also under the provisions of the Special Marriage Act 1954 and also under the Indian Divorce Act 1869. In case of Hindu Marriage Act and Special Marriage Act there should be a separation period of 1 year prior to presentation of the Mutual consent divorce Petition in court. However for Christians married under the Christian marriage act there should be minimum 2 years separation prior to presentation of the divorce petition which is filed under the Indian Divorce Act,1869 .

Mutual Consent Divorce is the fastest and probably the least time consuming process in which a marriage can be dissolved .Only requirement is both parties must have decided amicably to dissolve the marriage and both need to appear in court on both Motions , usually its only twice that both parties may be required to be present before the court . Transfer Petition in the Supreme Court of India - Noida. Published Date: Jul 21, 2022 Category: Services » Lawyers - Advocates Location: Uttar Pradesh » Noida A 35, P 3, In cases where for example a divorce petition has been filed in one state where the husband resides and the wife resides in another state, She may approach the Supreme Court by way of a transfer Petition from the state where it was filed by her husband to the state where shes residing , showing valid grounds.

Similarly a husband can also file for transfer when the wife files a divorce petition in another state .That depends on the grounds of transfer . Transfer petitions are applicable in Criminal cases too . Mutual Consent Divorce in India | Top Article Submission Directory. Taps9 Law Chamber is a special in matrimonial matters. Mutual consent divorce can be filed when both parties agree to amicably dissolve their marriage . However there needs to be a minimum 1 year separation prior to filing the mutual consent divorce petition when filed under S. 13 B of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 and in cases of Special Marriage Act 1954, Section 28 of the said Act. There’s a 2 year separation period in case of Christians who are govered by the India Divorce Act 1869. The procedure is simple ,a joint petition signed by both parties will be presented before the court with particulars containing child custody in cases where there are children and if any payment is decided between the parties to be paid before the divorce decree is granted .

There will be 2 motions which means the parties will have to appear before the court 2 times. File Special Leave Petition in the Supreme Court of India. Caveat Petition in the Supreme Court Legal Service India. Taps9 Law Chamber will help you file Caveat Petitions in the supreme court within 24 hrs S 148 A of the Civil Procedure code deals with Caveat Petition and its filing. A caveat petition can be filed in the supreme court of India by a person who was a party to the proceedings in the High Court , however a caveat petition can also be filed even by a person who was not a party in High Court.

However the caveator must have to show how he would be affected by the outcome of the case. Caveat Petition in the Supreme Court of India can be filed in cases of transfer petitions. Transfer petitions are mainly filed in Matrimonial cases often referred to as Family Law matters.. Once a caveat Petition is registered you will be informed whenever the opposite party files any Special leave petition or Appeal or Transfer Petions whichever is applicable and a copy of the said petition or appeal will be served upon you or your Advocate on record representing you.

File Petition for Appointment of Arbitrator | Appointment of Arbitrator. File Special leave petition in the supreme court of India | Taps9 Law. File Special leave petition in the supreme court of India - Noida. How to Get a Mutual Consent Divorce. Mutual consent divorce can be filed under the following provisions of law- S 13B Hindu Marriage Act, 1955- Hindus, Jains , Buddhists, Sikhs For Marriage solemnized under the special Marriage Act,1954-Court Marriages or inter faith marriages cover in this.Section 28 of the Special Marriage Act, 1954 For Marriages solemnized under the Christian Marriage Act Section 10A of Divorce Act 1869 deals with Mutual Consent Divorce.

Jurisdiction- Mutual consent divorce can be filed within the territorial jurisdiction of a court where the marriage was solemnized or where both last resided together or where the wife presently resides. Period of Separation- There has to be a minimum period of 1 year separation prior to filing the Mutual consent divorce petition under the Hindu Marriage Act , however in case of Christian who are governed by the Divorce Act , the period of separation is 2 years . Separation does not mean that parties are living separately at separate addresses. Author- Tapan Choudhury, The File Caveat Petition in the supreme court of India. Section 148 A CPC deals with the Right to lodge a caveat For filing a caveat Petition before the Hon’ble Supreme Court , we at taps9 will guide you through the process and help you file within 24 hrs after receiving the required documents . The File Caveat petition will be filed by an Advocate-On-Record specially trained for filing in Supreme Court.

The Advocate-On-Record is instantly informed when the Petitioner/ Opposite party files the Petition/Appeal and a copy will be served upon the Advocate-On-Record engaged in the matter. The duration for which a Caveat Petition remains active in force is 90 days from the date of filing. The advantage of filing a caveat petition is that , the caveator gets an opportunity to be heard on the first date of hearing when the matter is listed before the Hon’ble Court . Caveat Petitions can be filed even by a non-party in the High Court , however the Party filing the caveat will have to show reasons for filing the caveat petition and how it affects him. File Petition for Appointment of Arbitrator - Noida. Published Date: May 23, 2022 Category: Services » Lawyers - Advocates Location: Uttar Pradesh » Noida A 35, P 3 , The Delhi High Court recently in Oyo Hotels & Homes Pvt.

Ltd. v. Rajan Tewari & Anr, while deciding a petition under Section 11(6) of the Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996, held that a Court has the power to set aside the appointment of an arbitrator, if the appointment is ex-facie contrary to the arbitration clause, and thus is non est in law. Taps9 Law Email ID: Website: Mutual Consent Divorce | Divorce by Mutual Consent | Taps9 Law. File Caveat Petition in the supreme court of India | Taps9 Law.